It Is Finished Audio

Monday, May 27, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (28MAY19)

NEHEMIAH MOMENT – (28MAY19) The people of Israel, including the leaders, came together to affix their seals on a written agreement to say that they would obey the Law. They agreed to not intermarry with foreign nations, buy or sell on the Sabbath, and leave their fields unworked every seventh year. They agreed to contribute wood, money, and give their first fruits when due in accordance to the law. The people were trying to get their lives right with God again, so that they would have His favor once again and be in good standing.

Just as Israel decided to get themselves right with God and honor their commitment to Him, we must each do the same as well. We are living in the last days and Jesus is soon to return. It is time that we all get our houses in order because the events that are soon to take place will be a test to the strongest person of faith. Yet, we know that God sent His Son Jesus to save us from our sins and Jesus left so that the Holy Spirit could come and do a work in His body. Although we are not under the Mosaic Law, God still has a standard that is within the Ten Commandments for us to obey and was summed up into two commandments by Jesus – love God and love one another. When we do these two, we are honoring all Ten. We cannot claim to love God but break His commandments. We cannot claim to love our neighbor and yet, dishonor them at the same time. Will we ever be perfect in this life within ourselves? NO! Yet, we are made perfect through the work that Jesus did for us on the cross. Let us take great care to allow the Holy Spirit to do a work in us, so that we are in good standing with the Lord, and will one day hear Him say, “Well done.” Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (28MAY19) The Children of Israel spent 70 years in exile and then they became serious about their commitment to the Lord. The question some may ask is, “Why did it take disaster for them to turn their hearts to God?” That’s a good question. We can ask ourselves the same question today. Why are we just as stiff-necked as Israel was while knowing what the final outcome is going to be? The sad thing about humans is that we often do not take things serious until things begin to get serious towards us. If you recall, when the disaster of 911 took place where the airplanes went into the Twin Towers, people everywhere was calling on the name of GOD. No one was talking about it being politically incorrect, or that it was offensive to certain secular and ungodly religious groups. People everywhere were holding prayer vigils, churches were filled, and even the news reporters were calling on people to pray with tears in their eyes. Yet, some 18 years later, the name of Jesus being said is repulsive to many. What will be the next tragedy to take place in America that will make us fall on our knees and cry out to Jesus once again? Something to ponder…

NEHEMIAH MOMENT – (28MAY19) The Israelites were transitioning into their new life now that they were no longer in exile. They cast lots for those who would be residents of Jerusalem as the others filled the surrounding towns in Judah and Bethlehem. Even though they were still under the rule of the Persians, God allowed them to transition back to their homes as He promised that He would if and when they returned wholeheartedly to Him.

It is amazing how God being the gracious Father that He is and has always been willing to give us chance after chance to get things right with Him. Regardless of how many times we turn away from Him, His mercy, grace, and longsuffering totally outweigh His wrath and anger. We have often done things time and time again to displease Him and yet, He forgives. God did not have to send His Son Jesus to die for our sins, but He loved us so much that He did not wish for anyone to be lost. Jesus paid the ultimate price despite our being undeserving of His sacrifice. At the end of all things, we will never be able to say that God was unjust. He would have done all that He could to save us from an eternity without Him. That choice is up to us. Everyone would have been given a chance to do what was right. Time is, however, running out so it is of great importance that we continue to pray for the lost because one day, there will be no more chances to make a choice for Christ. Something to ponder…

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