It Is Finished Audio

Friday, May 10, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (12MAY19)

2 CHRONICLES MOMENT – (12MAY19) God let Solomon know that He had heard his prayers at the dedication of the temple. God made Solomon a promise concerning the people called by His Name. Whenever He pronounced judgment over them because of their disobedience by withholding rain, sending locusts, and plagues – should they humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their sins, He would forgive them and heal the land. God knew that His people would be rebellious and follow after foreign gods, so there was coming the day when He would have to pronounce judgments on them. These judgments would be severe because of their rebellion. Yet, if they would turn their hearts back to Him, He would be willing to forgive them and restore what the locusts had eaten and heal whomever the plagues had afflicted.

God is always just and yet, merciful even in the midst of His judgments. He does not often give us the punishments that we deserve, but gives us the grace (divine favor) and mercy (withholding due punishment) because of His abounding love. But God requires that we humble ourselves before Him. This means that we are not to come to Him in pride and arrogance as if we are of great importance, but we are to submit to Him as the Lord of our lives. We must pray which involves communication with the Creator of the universe and seek His face.

When you search for something, that means that you are looking to locate it. We must have a desire to find God, not because He left us, but because we left Him. God requires that we repent which means to turn from our wicked ways. We cannot truly humble ourselves before God if we have no desire to turn from our sins. Repentance is not just lip service, but it is putting our words to action. Then God says that He will hear from Heaven, forgive and heal our land. When we pray, He knows what we are going to say before we utter the words out of our mouths, or the thoughts enter our brains. Yet, we do so because He requires this act from us, and He has promised to listen to us and forgive. He throws our sins to the bottom of the sea because Jesus died so that we may be forgiven of all of our transgressions and not be held captive to the bondage of sin. God will heal our land once we do this. Your land is not necessarily the nation that you live, but your individual territory which can be your family, health, spiritual state and/or some other place in your life that needs His healing touch. God requires that we be obedient to Him and although this does not mean that we will not face life’s challenges, He promises to be there to help us get through them. Something to ponder. 

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (12MAY19) God told Solomon that if he failed to obey him, the temple that he built would become a heap of rubble. God was letting Solomon know that He did not merely want a building, but He desired a people with whom He could live and that they would have hearts of faithfulness towards Him. Israel made the mistake of thinking that the temple was their security as a nation rather than the God who created the materials that the temple had been made from. 

The Bible says that our bodies are God’s temple – not a mere building nor a synagogue. Therefore, we are to have our temples dedicated to the Lord for His praise, worship, and acts of service. Are you taking great care to ensure that your spiritual temple is not in a heap of rubble? Are you allowing God to fill your temple with His presence daily? Does the Holy Spirit have a permanent residence in your temple? Something to ponder…

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