It Is Finished Audio

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (22MAY19)

EZRA MOMENT – (22MAY19) The Jews had been in captivity for seventy years and once they were free, they had been allowed to rebuild the Lord’s temple. Unfortunately, there were those who sought to oppose them and try to prevent the temple from being rebuilt. They sent letters to the king, bribed officials, and even tried to be part of the work party, so that they could sabotage the temple’s progress. Although the rebuilding had a temporary delay, it was not to be denied because God was in the mix of it being completed for His name and glory.

There may be times that when God laya it on your heart to do a work for Him, you will face opposition. The enemy will use his imps to attempt at distracting or preventing you from accomplishing what God has called for you to do. Sometimes, the enemy will afflict your body, cause chaos in your family, start trouble on your job, or even use friends to circumvent you from your God-given task. Yet, we must pray those demons away and stay focused on the task at hand. Many people who fight against you had not even thought of doing a work for God themselves, yet they come against those who are proactive in doing so. It is not always non-Christians who act in such a manner, but those who profess to be in the body of Christ.

We are all given a work to do if we have accepted Jesus into our hearts. There is never a need to be envious or jealous of the gifts, talents, and doings of others because there is more than enough work for the kingdom to go around. People must ask themselves the question, “Is what I am doing pleasing to God, or is it because of envy and jealousy from which my opposition is derived?” If it happens to be the latter, then a heart check needs to be done and repentance is needed. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (22MAY19) When there was an inquiry into the rebuilding of the temple by the governor, the elders of the Jews gave them an honest answer in letting them know that their ancestors had been disobedient to God and was turned over to Babylon as a punishment for their sins. After their exile, King Cyrus allowed for them to start the rebuilding.

It is not always easy to be honest with others, but sometimes, we have to give people the hardcore testimony of our lives from where God has brought us from, so that they can receive their deliverance. Even though the governor was not trying to get a testimony from the Jews, this honesty still stood as a testament to the king as to their knowledge and understanding of where they went wrong as a nation and how they had dishonored their God. It sometimes takes us getting completely real with the past sins of our lives to help walk others out of theirs.

For example, if you once struggled with drugs, who is best to help an addict than one who used to be one. If you struggled with pornography, who is best to help someone with porn addiction than a recovering porn addict. If you once struggled with a gambling addiction, who is best to help another person who cannot seem to resist the urge to gamble every Friday night. We are all sinners saved by grace, so others who are struggling in their sins oftentimes need to know that the image they see of us, is the restored version and not the original painting. Are you able to be honest with others concerning the testimony of how Jesus freed you from sin? Something to ponder…

EZRA MOMENT – (22MAY19) After the haters tried to block the temple’s rebuilding, God allowed for King Darius to be on the Jews’ side, and not only did he give them permission to continue building, but he carried out what King Cyrus had decreed in giving them what they needed to complete the building. The Jews of today have a similar feeling of President Trump in that he has done what other presidents only promised to do and that was to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the United States’ embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Yet, there is a major problem. God’s will was being done with the construction of the temple because He once again wanted a place to dwell amongst His people. But this is not the same case today.

The Jews, with the exception of the Messianic ones, have rejected Jesus Christ as being the true Messiah. In rebuilding the temple, they seek to restart sacrifices for the cleansing of their sins because they have rejected Jesus as being the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world. They do not understand that God does not desire a building made by human hands, but He desires to live in human hearts. What many get confused, however, is that even though something is prophesied as to one day taking place, such as the rebuilding of the temple, does not mean that God desired for it to happen. What does this mean? God wants all hearts to accept salvation through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many people, not just the Jews, feel that they can come to God by other means. The Bible, however, lets us know that this is not the case. No one can get to the Father but through Jesus, rather Jew, Gentile, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.  There is only ONE WAY to the Father and that is through Jesus Christ and accepting Him as the Son of the One True God. The temple cannot save them, the sacrificing of bulls cannot cleanse them, the priests cannot mediate for them, and the honoring of feasts cannot provide for them – only Jesus Christ can.

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