It Is Finished Audio

Monday, May 6, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (07MAY19)

 1 CHRONICLES MOMENT – (07MAY19) God allowed David’s enemies to be made his footstool and he was given victory after victory over them. Not only was he able to defeat them, he was able to plunder their belongings, put some of them into force labor, and was even respected by other kings who presented him with gifts and treasures. David had God’s favor over his life. So, when David allowed the devil to cause him to take a census of his fighting men, God became angry and punished David for it. It was never in David’s own might did he obtain his success. It was because of the mighty hand of the Lord that was over his life, which allowed him to have favor that he would not have ordinarily had. David had to be reminded of this, but it came at a great cost to the people he ruled.

We must be mindful as well that whenever God grants us favor, we must be humble with walking in it. We are never to become prideful and think that it was due to our own wits as to how we achieved great success. All credit is to be given to the Lord above who enabled us to have the blessings that He has chosen to bestow on us. Rather that is a job promotion, new home, Godly marriage, children, or some other blessing, the Lord is the One who gives, and can also take away if we aren’t careful to glorify Him. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (07MAY19) In the life of David, there are many lessons that can be learned regarding his successes and failures. God took a shepherd boy from the field and made him into a mighty king. He had to fight, overcome the jealousy of his father-in-law, rely on God when his own men wanted to stone him, calm his anger when his kindness wasn’t appreciated, and so much more. What is one thing that you have learned about him that you can apply to your own life regarding your relationship with God? Something to ponder…

 1 CHRONICLES MOMENT – (07MAY19) Throughout David’s reign, he had to be strategic with his enemies. David fought numerous wars against the Philistines, Ammonites Moabites, and other foreign enemies where he had to be a specialist in his field. But how did he get there? When David was a shepherd boy, he first had to learn to care for the flock to protect them from dangerous prey. When he was invited to play for King Saul, he had to learn how do adjust to Saul’s various moods. When he had to fight Goliath, David had to learn that he could not wear someone else’s armor, but he had to use the tools that God had given him to conquer his enemy. When David had to flee from King Saul, he had to learn that not everyone who is supposed to be for you will be for you. Then, David had to learn that God will send warriors your way to fight alongside you in battle, but his learning did not stop there. All throughout David’s life, God was training David to be the king that He needed him to be to rule His people.

There are times in life when we have to face challenges prior to getting to the palace. Yet, when we look back over our life, we can see that every step we made, every obstacle we faced, every pain we felt, and every victory we achieved was leading us to something greater that the Lord had in store for us. The Bible says to taste and see that the Lord is good. When you reflect over your life, you will no doubt see that God has been preparing you for the greater the whole time. Something to ponder…

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