It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (09MAY19)

1 CHRONICLES MOMENT – (09MAY19) David and the commanders of his army appointed the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to minister in music and prophesy. God had blessed these men with families, especially Heman who had fourteen sons and three daughters, to be able to minister in music before Him. Ministering before the Lord was a serious task and David appointed the ones who were specially gifted by God to do it.

In today’s churches, we have allowed any and everything to come before the Lord.  It is not only those who are preaching and teaching who are leading God’s people astray, but it is also those who “claim” to sing for Him. Not everyone who is labeled as a gospel or Christian artist is a worshiper for the Lord. Although, there is not just one genre of music that can be presented before the Lord, all of it must be HOLY. Today, we have artists who take the lyrics and beats from the secular world and label it as Christian just because they throw Jesus’ name in it, but is the Lord pleased with this? No! These same artists are drinking, smoking, doing drugs and being filmed on camera doing it, but will go before God’s people with unclean hearts. Why is the church so accepting of this kind of behavior?

God wants us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. That includes the music that we present before Him. We cannot allow just anything to come into the House of God. Beyonce’s music has no place in the Lord’s house. Songs that were taken from sexual lyrics has no place in the Lord’s house. Acting as if one is at a rock concert has no place in the Lord’s house. Artists who are cursing one minute and singing the next have no place ministering in the Lord’s house until they have their lives together. Jesus turned the tables of the moneychangers over because He said that His Father’s house would be a House of Prayer. Many Christians have lost the respect for the Lord’s house because their own hearts and homes are not dedicated to the Lord. Rather we are preaching, teaching or singing, we are ministering before God’s people and the Lord himself. Therefore, it is to be done with the uttermost seriousness. Ministers of Worship are to be Ministers of God and you cannot serve both God and Baal. Something to ponder…

 QUESTION OF THE DAY – (09MAY19) What has God tasked you to do for His kingdom? David gave instructions for there to be order in God’s house as well as his. Everyone had a role to play. What is your role? What has God gifted you to do for the Kingdom? Those who have accepted Christ into their hearts have been gifted with Spiritual gifts. Do you know what yours are? If so, are you using them for Christ? Something to ponder…

1 CHRONICLES MOMENT – (09MAY19) David appointed gatekeepers that were to serve at the temple. They were to keep anything and anyone unholy from coming in and keep record of what went out. They cast lots so that there would be gatekeepers around the temple at all times.

The Holy Spirit serves as a gatekeeper to us as well if we allow Him to. He quickens our spirit when we are allowing unholy things to enter our eye gates, ear gates, or allowing something unholy to exit our mouth gates. When we live for God, we are to guard every area that the devil can enter in. We even have to guard our mind gates so that he will not have access to place impure thoughts in our mind. We are the Lord’s temple and just as David had to have gatekeepers to preserve the holiness of the Lord’s house, we too must allow the Holy Spirit to do the same in our temples and not give the enemy easy access.

We do this by guarding what we watch on the screen, what sites we go to online, what we listen to as music, what books we read, and even who we entertain as friends. We are to also guard what comes out of our mouths because God does not want any unwholesome talk to exit our lips. Christians who curse and use profanity should ask themselves if they would use the same vulgar language if Jesus was standing right before them. Well, He is, and He sees all. Something to ponder…

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