It Is Finished Audio

Friday, March 29, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (30MAR19)

1 SAMUEL MOMENT – (30MAR19) The priests were responsible for rendering burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to the Lord in accordance to the instructions that He had given to Moses long ago. Saul became fearful and impatient when his men began to leave their stations, due to their anxiety, when they saw the might of the Philistines coming against them. Therefore, instead of Saul being confident in the Lord, he rendered the sacrifices himself and failed to wait on Samuel who was a little late in coming. When Samuel finally arrived and learned of what Saul had done, he rebuked him and told him that his kingdom would be given to someone else instead of staying in his family line. Saul’s impatience caused him to defy God resulting in the blessings God had for his descendants being forfeited. We too can tend to get impatient when waiting on God to fulfill His promises if we do not remain in faith and prayer. Saul made this mistake and it cost him and his future descendants greatly. When we choose to go ahead of God, we too can forfeit our blessings and not receive what God has for us. The Bible says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint,” (Isaiah 40:31). Waiting on God can be very challenging at times, but those who do will receive His absolute best for their lives. However, if we fail to wait, we run the risk of messing things up and then, we end up crying out to God to deliver us when we could have avoided the unsettling consequences altogether by exercising patience, faith, and endurance. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (30MAR19) Saul called for his men to fast until he had gotten the victory over his enemies. Jonathan, his son, had not heard about the fast and ate honey that he found on the ground. Upon finding out about his father’s command, he thought that it was foolish because the men needed their strength to fight and could have fought better if they were not half nourished. Jonathan was correct in his assertion. Have you ever made a decision without thinking about it thoroughly? Have you ever made a quick judgment without assessing the situation properly? Have you ever sided with someone without weighing all the facts? When we do things for the Lord, regardless of how commendable they are such as fasting, it is wise to ensure that we are doing it at the proper time and when God would have for us to do so. Saul made the fast about him and not about God, nor did he consult God as to if this was wise due to his soldiers needing their strength. God honors when we make sacrifices for Him, but God also wants us to use good judgment. A wise man will count the cost, but a foolish one will fly at the seat of his pants. Jesus said that even with following Him, there is a cost to be counted before doing so (Luke 14:25-34). In all things, let’s be mindful to use good judgment and ask God for direction. Something to ponder…

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