It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (29MAR19)

1 SAMUEL MOMENT – (29MAR19) Saul could not find several of his father’s donkeys anywhere. Somehow, the animals were lost, so he took a servant, at his father’s instruction, and went to search for the animals. Little did Saul know that his life was about to change which began with a few animals ending up lost. God has a way of turning lost things into found treasures. We may have made plans for our lives and felt like we ended up being lost along the way where God was actually rerouting us in the direction of His choosing just as He did with Saul. It was no coincidence that the donkeys were nowhere to be found because God was leading Saul to his future with Samuel anointing him as king. You may sometimes think that the plans you made for your life ended up in the trash bin, but God may have led you to the trash to find a hidden treasure. The Bible lets us know that God knows the plans that He has for you. These plans are not by accident, nor are they forfeited due to the mistakes we make. God knew every decision, every circumstance, every challenge and every disappointment before we ever made them and yet, His plans remains steadfast. Do not allow you feelings of being lost at times make you think that you have missed God. You cannot miss Him if He is already ahead of you before you get there. Something to ponder…

 QUESTION OF THE DAY – (29MAR19) Israel insisted on having a king and God gave them what they wanted. They had rejected Him by wanting an earthly man to lead them rather than having Him as their Lord and King to rule over them. Yet, God did not stand in the way of what they wanted, and Saul was chosen to be their first king. Have you ever asked God for something that you hopelessly wanted despite His desire for you? Did you beg and plead to have whatever it was without seriously seeking His face as to if He desired it for you? Sometimes, we can be so persistent with asking God for something that He will just go ahead and allow us to have it, but it is at the expense of not being in His perfect will. There is God’s permissive will and then there is His PERFECT will. God’s permissive will is allowing you to get what you want even though He knows that it is not what’s best for you. Yet, He will give it to you in order to teach you a lesson. Then there is God’s perfect will and it is where He gives you what He wants you to have at the time He chooses, so that it will be His absolute best and you are sure to be most happy about it. It is better to have God’s perfect will over His permissive will. Even though He will still bless His permissive will, it will not go without challenges, but His perfect will is indeed perfect and is His absolute best for you. Something to ponder…

 Part B – As in the earlier section, Israel insisted on having a king and God gave them what they wanted despite desiring that they would fully put their trust in Him. Many Christians have done the same when it comes to our current president. We prayed and asked for a king, and now we have the king that we have asked for. BUT, take note…during this king’s administration the hostility towards Christians have become very evident under his administration. There is a hatred towards evangelicals like never before. Christians are experiencing a type of “antisemitism” that Jews have experienced for years. Christians have believed that President Donald Trump was their Cyrus and was going to make everything that was wrong turn right again. Yet, it takes spiritual discernment to see what is REALLY taking place in this nation. Like never before, we have become a nation where there is no justice in the land, and everyone does what they want to do just like when there were no leaders in Israel. The wickedness of this nation is in FULL bloom and things that we have never witnessed before is taking place. Babies are being killed after they have been delivered. Children are celebrated for cross-dressing and dancing at gay bars. Kids are committing suicide due to school bullying on a regular basis. Cops are being forced to back down when they are doing drug busts in Chicago by armed thugs. Politician are endorsing the bullying of individuals who support an opposing political party. Men are claiming to be women and beating them unfairly in their own genre of sports. High School girls being forced to accept having to change clothes in front of transgender boys.  Legal starvation of the mentally ill is accepted in some states. Crimes not being prosecuted regardless of evidence due to who a person knows regardless of Grand Jury indictments…just to name a few. BUT we have a king we say. The setup is coming where there is going to be an all-out attack against those who are TRUE Christians. The emphasis is on TRUE Christians because the lukewarm are going to join forces with the world all in the name of peace and love. The other day, a female GOP representative prayed using the name of Jesus and the media counted it as being 16 times. She apparently offended the Muslims because this was done on the Pennsylvania House floor. BUT, we have a king. We as a nation have rejected God just as Israel did in their desire to have a king and they lived to regret their decision. When this “king” leaves office, the haters of Christ will remember that we supported this king and they will come for us like we have never seen before. The haters of Christ hate anyone who will support Him, defend Him, promote Him and stand for Him. Why has there been such an attack on this king…he has supported things that goes against their agenda, but do not be fooled into thinking that it is purely for the love of Christ. The antichrist is coming to the scene and the stage is being set. Something to ponder…

1 SAMUEL MOMENT – (29MAR19) Samuel had given Saul some directions that he was to follow and prophecies that would come to past as a sign that God had chosen him as Israel’s leader. Samuel told Saul that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon him and that he would prophesy and be changed into a different man. Samuel was letting Saul know that he was no longer just “Saul” but he would be the anointed Saul filled with the Spirit of God with the ability to rule over his people. With the anointing came power, wisdom, knowledge, and confidence to do what would be required of him as a king. When we are filled with the Spirit of God, we are no longer able to live as the old man. Saul could not be who he was before because with the anointing came a new assignment and with that assignment came new authority. God fills us with His Spirit, we are given spiritual gifts to do His work for the kingdom. We are to leave the old behind and come in the new. This means that we do not walk the same, talk the same, act the same, live the same, and do any of the sinful things that we used to do. We are to be a peculiar people dedicated to the Lord’s service. Everything about us must change and when we change for God’s glory, others will take notice where we can be the best representation of Him. Something to ponder…

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