It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (21JUN19)

PSALMS MOMENT – (21JUN19) The psalmist wrote, “…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Psalm 40:2). The psalmist was testifying as to how the Lord not only delivered him out of the slimy pit that he was in, but gave him stability. We know that Rock to be Jesus for the Bible says, “… for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4). When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness, Moses was prevented by God from entering the Promised Land. The Israelites were complaining that they did not have water, so God had given Moses instructions to speak to the rock and water would come out. He regrettably, allowed his anger towards the people to get the best of him and failed to follow God’s instructions but struck the rock twice. He was punished as a result because the rock represented Jesus from which the Children of Israel received their Living Water. When the psalmist wrote that his feet were planted on the rock, this was symbolic of standing on the firm foundation of the Lord. He had been in a pit of despair, but God lifted him out of his misery and gave him a place to stand. We too must be planted on the solid Rock who is Jesus Christ our Lord.

In today’s society, we are expected to change course with every societal wind and every blow of strange doctrine. Yet, we must remain firm in Christ and what we know to be Truth in accordance to His WORD. California, for example, is trying to pass laws for pastors to be forced to relax biblical standards and teach tolerance for the LGBTQ community. We who are in the body of Christ know that this is unacceptable, and those who truly follow Christ cannot and will not bow down to this agenda. It is more crucial now than ever that we know on Whom our feet are planted. The world will attempt to cause us to lose our bearing. Nevertheless, we must stay the course and finish the race strong. Jesus stood for us and now, it is time that we stand for Him. He loves us with an amazing love, and He will never let us fall if we place our trust in Him. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (21JUN19) What does it mean to have the law of the Lord on your heart? The psalmist wrote, “I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.” The psalmist was saying that he was not obeying God’s law because he was forced to, but he had an inner desire to do the Lord’s will. God was a part of his inner being and the Lord’s ordinances was deep on the inside of him. He wanted to please God just as a newly married couple tries to please each other, or at least should throughout the marriage. The reason that there is so much sin running rampant even in the church is because many self-professing Christians are not in love with God. They do not have a deep desire to do His will, and have not embraced the love that God has for them in order to reciprocate it by being obedient. When we love someone, we want to please them. So why is there so much sin in the world? It is because people do not love the Lord. Oftentimes, people want God’s hand, but they do not want God. When we view God as an ATM or even as a genie that accommodates three wishes upon rubbing, then we are showing that our hearts are in the wrong place and away from Him. Being a Christian should be more than just a hip hashtag. It should involve having a relationship with which He can be proud to call you one of His own. Something to ponder….

PSALMS MOMENT – (21JUN19) The psalmist describes himself as being stirred up in the Spirit as he spoke skillfully about the King of Glory. He was describing Jesus in Psalms 45 and the beauty of His splendor. Jesus’ words were anointed by God and He rode with truth, humility and justice. The nations are under His feet and He will rule with an iron scepter. We as His bride must be ready to meet him because one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. He is coming for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle. We must ensure that our garments are ready. Whatever we may be holding on to that is not of God, the time to let it go is now. Jesus will not be coming as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, but He will be coming as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to reign down justice on those who embraced evil over good. Do you want to see Jesus? Do you want to see the Man who died for you? Do you desire to see the I AM. One day, we will all see Him. The question is will you be one of the fretful that will be crying to the rocks and mountains to hide from His presence, or will you be ready to meet Him in the air, so that you will live with Him forever more? Something to ponder….

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