It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (13Jun19)

 JOB MOMENT – (13JUN19) The Lord questioned Job’s ability to contend with Him. Job’s response was that he was unworthy to do so. Despite all of Job’s righteousness, it did not measure up to Him being able to challenge the Lord nor question His ways. The Bible says, “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away” (Isaiah 64:6). Nothing we do can make us an equal to the Lord, nor does it give us cause to act as if God is a mere mortal who has to justify Himself to us. The Lord, in showing Job how weak of a mortal he was in contrast to Him, gave the analogy of the Behemoth, a strong creature with whom He only had to approach with the sword of his mouth to destroy. This was unlike humans, who were unable to kill this creature with the exception of using man-made weapons, thus showing their weakness in comparison to God. As much as Job thought that God owed him an explanation for his troubles, God was letting Job know that He has to answer to no one because He alone is God.

Sometimes when we go through tings in life, we seek to find answers. We may even blame God because He allowed us to go through certain events that we did not think should have happened to us. And yet, God is the one who created us, so He has no obligation to justify His plans, decisions, or give revelation unless He chooses to do so. He does not have to give an account to us, but we have to give one to Him. We have never been nor will ever be on the same level with God. We, being God’s children, must be in a posture of humility and trust that whatever God allows to take place in our lives and the lives of others is all done in accordance to His divine wisdom. We must keep in mind that our human abilities do not compare to God’s, and our understanding of Him is limited despite all the knowledge that we may acquire. Therefore, we can only have faith and trust Him in all areas of our lives, for He alone knows the plans that He has for us. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (13JUN19) Leviathan, a creature of the sea, which some scholars describe as being a large vicious serpent, sea dragon, or crocodile type creature, is described by God as being impossible to catch. The Lord questions Job’s ability to tame such a creature and his ability to reason with it through mere words. Since Job was unable to tame even a mighty sea creature, it was not possible for him to think that he had the capability of standing against the Lord Almighty for reparations. Therefore, we must ask ourselves the question, “Does God owe us anything?”

Some of us may feel that when we lose a loved one, job, house, health, or some other important person and/or thing in our life that God has to give an account for it. We sometimes take on the role of the IRS towards God where He has to give us a balance sheet and justify every purchase, or in our case decision, that was made throughout the year. Yet, God does not owe this to us. Our desire for answers can cause us to forget our place in the chain of Command. God is not a genie that we rub three times and demand His presence. He is not a witch-doctor who we can conjure up through a crystal ball. We cannot use manipulative tactics to get the Lord to move when we think He should. Faith, trust, hope, humility and obedience are the only proper responses to the Lord as we wait on Him to move, respond, and/or deliver His promises. If we are missing any of those elements, we are truly missing God. Something to ponder….

JOB MOMENT – (13JUN19) After God brought Job into accountability concerning his mindset and quarrel against Him, Job acknowledged that he spoke on things that he did not understand and repented.  After this, God addressed Job’s three friends and told them that He was angry with them, for they regarded prosperity with righteousness, Yet, God promised to forgive them once they sacrificed offerings and Job interceded with prayer on their behalf.  After this was done, the Lord restored to Job twice as much as He had before. He also had seven more sons and three beautiful daughters who were the fairest in the land. The second half of his life was better than the first and Job lived one-hundred and forty additional years.

Job never received an answer as to why he experienced the trials that he had. Nevertheless, Job’s lesson was one of trust, faith, and humility. He and his friends learned that righteousness does not guarantee that one will have a life free from challenges. Even in today’s times, we sometimes think that a righteous life is a prosperous life, and a life of lack is a cursed life. If this were the case, Jesus would have been in the category of being cursed by God, but we know this to not be true. He did not have a place to even rest His head and yet, He was God. He did not have money or wealth and He was treated as a common criminal. Nevertheless, He was and still is the best blessing that mankind has ever received. Christians should not listen to prosperity teachers who say that you are cursed when you do not have an abundance of material possessions, or if you become sick in your body. As long as we are on the earth, we will encounter challenges, but we must remember that God is faithful even during those times.

A homeless person is not cursed just because they do not have a house. A person with cancer is not cursed just because there may be no cure. A divorcee is not cursed just because his wife left him. An unemployed person is not cursed just because they were laid off from their job. Just because one does not have material possessions, status, money, or health does not mean that they are cursed. Now, does some wrong decisions bring about certain consequences? Yes! Nevertheless, many Christians will automatically assume that a person struggling is a person who has sinned in some area of their lives just as Job’s friends did, and that is not necessarily the case. God reigns on the just and the unjust and He loves us all. If you are going through some sort of trial right now, please know that God has not left you, and that you are under the care of His wings despite what the situation looks like. Just as He restored Job, He can do the same thing for you. Something to ponder….

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