It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (14JUN19)

PSALMS MOMENT – (14JUN19) Psalms is a book of prayers and praises that was written by a number of authors both known and unknown. Within its chapters, we can come to understand the trials, triumphs, faith and hopes that the authors shared along with their praises and laments. In the first chapter of Psalms, the author advises the reader to take no part with the wicked, but to meditate on the Lord’s law both day and night. He understands that when a person keeps company with those who are not of God, they will tend to be led astray. This is why the Lord told the Children of Israel to not be in fellowship with the heathen nations. As we have seen time and time again throughout the Bible, we know that Israel always fell into idolatry when they began to intermingle and intermarry with the foreign nations. 

The heathen nations did not take on the characteristics of the Godly nation, but Israel took on their evil practices instead and prostituted themselves to foreign gods. Therefore, the pull to do evil is often a lot stronger than the desire to do right. Why is that? Because we are born into sin, our sinful nature does not have a natural ability, apart from Christ, to desire the things of the Spirit. This is why there is a constant battle between the natural man and the Spirit man. Satan makes sin desirable and appealing, but the ways of the Lord has to be a matter of the heart from which the choice is made to wholeheartedly follow Him, and not based on seasonal emotions. Therefore, we must be careful that when we are around the ungodly, we are to be a witness and show them love, but never partake in, nor compromise with their sins. Something to ponder…. 

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (14JUN19) The psalmists poses the question as to why the wicked conspire and plot in vain. They band together against the Lord and His servants in an attempt to rid themselves of what they feel to be man-made shackles. We see this taking place all over the world where the unrighteous wants to free themselves of the laws of God. The LGBTQ says that they can choose what sex they want to be and that they want pronouns other than he and she. The pro-choice feels that they can murder innocent children and call it healthcare because they want to be in control and not God. Many in the church say that they do not want anyone telling them what to do as it pertains to the Bible and that pointing out sin is judging. The Supreme Court says that they are the law of the land that supersedes God’s law, so they can rule that same-sex couples can redefine marriage. Foreign nations like China say that they can force people not to serve God or they will be thrown into jails and ousted out of society. Social media says that they can silence the voice of Christians and that anything that goes against their demonic agenda is classified as hate speech. Yes, man is attempting to rid themselves of God, but they have no clue what they are doing. This is why the psalmist says that God laughs and scoffs at their foolishness. They have no clue as to what they are bringing about on themselves. 

Have you noticed that since certain laws have been changed to accommodate the ungodly in this country that wickedness has increased? Have you noticed that the gauge of morality is virtually nonexistent in this nation? Have you noticed that things that were considered as a moral wrong years ago are openly embraced today? Yes, they world “thinks” that it does not want God, but He is the only One who has saved us from ourselves. Unfortunately, the day is coming where God will allow man to have his way and an unmeasurable amount of evil will run rampant across the earth, but only for a short time. The Lord will have the final say. Something to ponder…. 

PSALMS MOMENT – (14JUN19) The psalmists asked, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” The psalmist explains how God handcrafted the heavens and made the moon and stars where they set perfectly in place. He tells how we were made just a little under the angels and were given dominion over all that was in the earth. We see this in the Genesis account of how God gave authority to Adam and Eve over the birds in the air, creatures on the land, and those that lived in the sea. We are the handy work of the Lord and He crowned us, so that we may serve Him.

We are nothing without the Lord. We are only the keepers of what He has given to us, but He loves us with an everlasting love. It is not because we deserve it, but because He cares for His children as a Father does. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins and defended us against the accuser who would have loved to have seen us be banished from the Lord for all eternity. Yet, Jesus came and defeated the enemy because He was mindful of us. We are always on His mind and we are the results of His craftwork. The Lord takes pride in those who serve and reverence Him. One day, the enemy will no longer be able to wreak havoc on the Children of God and the devil knows that his days on earth are numbered. We will one day proclaim up close and personal the victory of the Lord when we put on our white robes and wear the crowns that He has for us in glory. Something to ponder….   

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