It Is Finished Audio

Friday, June 7, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (08JUN19)

JOB MOMENT – (08JUN19) Wisdom – it cannot be bought nor is there a price that can be set to determine its value. It is Priceless! Job uses the analogy of treasure seekers and how they know where to begin their search when it comes to finding gems and precious stones, but he asked the question, “Where can wisdom be found?” People sometimes confuse wisdom with knowledge, and this is where the term of endearment, “educated idiot,” seems to be derived. Just because someone is capable of acquiring knowledge does not mean that they know how to rightfully use it. There’s the knowledge of man and then there’s the wisdom of God.

Job declared that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and to avoid evil is understanding. Many people in today’s time are wise in their own eyes. Such thinking has led the world astray where common sense isn’t so common anymore. We act as if we know more than God and that our way is the best way. Therefore, man attempts to defy God with nonsense such as there being more than two genders because they have no fear of the Lord. Man has chosen to redefine marriage, because they think that they know more than the One who ordained it. We have a rise of STD’s, single-parent homes, and fatherless children because many people prefer promiscuity over monogamy and irresponsibility over accountability by which God holds us to a standard. All of the downfalls of society can lead us back to a break with the wisdom of the Lord. If only we would seek His counsel and not our own, we could be a wise nation. Unfortunately, the wiser people become in their own mind’s view is the more foolish they become. Wisdom can only be truly received from the Lord. Even the great philosophers and theologians were not wise apart from the wisdom of God if they never accepted Jesus into their hearts. The wise know that they are in need of a Savior. A fool will mock the very existence of God, ultimately to his own demise.  Let us be sure that we ask God for wisdom and understanding, so that the knowledge we acquire can be used for His edification and glory. Something to ponder…  

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (08JUN19) Is there a time when you must ignore the comments, mocking and ridicule of others? Yes! Job’s friends were of no comfort to him at all. Every time one of them opened their mouths to speak, useless words, as Job called them, came out of their mouths. And yet, Job felt the need to still defend his honor and integrity to them. He did his best to confute their allegations of him, but with no success.

There are times when you may have to ignore people who wish to think ill of you. Everyone will not be your friend, nor will they support you. Sometimes, the best mode of communication with some people is silence. When God has favor on your life, it can cause others to secretly be envious of the blessings they see you receive. Should that favor seem to end in their eyes as you go through trials and various challenges, those that were envious will inwardly take joy in your troubles. Nevertheless, God sees all and does not smile when people take joy and pleasure in another’s misfortune. This is why it is not important to always try to defend yourself to others. More often than not, you will probably find it being useless anyway, but you know that God has you and only what He thinks is what ultimately matters. Something to ponder…


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