It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (06JUN19)

JOB MOMENT – (06JUN19) Job felt alienated from those closest to him. His relatives were not around, his breath was offensive to his wife, the female servants no longer respected him, and even the neighborhood children mocked him. On top of that, the friends that were there with him were of no use to him because of their arrogance and lack of empathy. Yes, those who should have been there for him was absent if not in body, but in mind. Job could only count on God in his time of need.

As the world is getting colder and the days are getting shorter, it is important to know that we must only place our faith in the Lord. Time is wrapping up and Jesus warned that a man’s enemies would be those of his own household (Matthew 10:36). We must learn now to depend totally on God because the day is coming where our jobs won’t save us, bank accounts will be useless, home security will be uncertain, and even more will take place prior to the end. If we don’t learn to lean on God now, we will have trouble leaning on Him when other things hit. Things are not going to be peaceful on the world’s stage because Bible prophecy must be fulfilled. And yet, just as Egypt was having plagues, while the Israelites were safe in Goshen, the Lord will have a Goshen of safety for His own if not in body, but in mind. Sometimes, the people whom you expect will be there for you will be the very ones to turn against you, but Jesus is the best friend that you will ever have. He said that He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Remember God’s promise when times get rough because though you may feel alone, the Lord has promised to always be there. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (06JUN19) Have you ever had a broken spirit? Has the weight of life ever weighed down so heavily upon you that you felt you could not take anymore? This is where Job was in his life. He had taken such a beaten by the enemy that he felt completely crushed and disheartened. Yet, he knew that his Redeemer lived.

At the time that Job had gone through his trials, Jesus had not come to earth yet, but He knew that the Lord lived and had seen all that he had gone through. We as Christians, however, have the benefit in knowing that Christ came, died, and rose again so that we too can have the victory over death and any situation that we are faced with in life. Jesus did not fail at the cross as the Pope once said. Jesus was victorious and we can be as well. There is no situation that we face where Jesus cannot bring us through. Jesus never promised that we would not go through trials. In fact, he said that one must count the cost to be a disciple of His (Luke 14:25-34). Of course, there are many evangelicals who would have you to think that every day is going to be a Friday, but Jesus never made that claim. The enemy is always roaming around seeking whom he may devour, and if you are living for Christ, you can be sure that you either are or will be on his radar. Nevertheless, our Redeemer lives and there is nothing the devil throws at us that we cannot overcome even in the face of death. Something to ponder….

 JOB MOMENT – (06JUN19) Job felt that his friends were self-righteous and insensitive to his feelings. With each statement that came out of their mouths, they tried to assure him that his suffering was of his own doing and that they were the righteous ones who knew what would end his dreadful situation. However, they were wrong. Job let them know that they were elevating themselves at his expense due to his misery and that they were shameless in their approach to him. This, unfortunately, is the case with many people who love to take aim at another’s downfall to make themselves feel esteemed.

By now, many people would have told Job’s friends to take a hike. They were of no comfort to him in their finger-pointing and prideful dialogue. They felt that somehow, they were better than Job and had lived a more righteous life, but they were mistaken. Christians have to be careful of not portraying themselves to the world as being perfect. We sometimes forget how far God has brought us and the patience that He had with us while we were in sin. None of us would be saved if it weren’t for the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. We must humble ourselves and never look down on others who are still struggling to come to Christ. In our own pride, we become sinful as well.

We must speak the truth, but we must do it with all due humility. Many of us were once the fornicator, adulterer, porn addict, drug addict, abuser, gambler, drunk, glutton, liar, thief, coveter, and/or idolater. The Bible lets us know that we have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Therefore, let’s not forget to be sensitive with others as we continue to preach, teach, and warn concerning the ordinances of God. Something to ponder….  

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