It Is Finished Audio

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (09JUN19)

JOB MOMENT – (09JUN19) Job was once respected amongst everyone around him. People listened to his counsel and waited for him to give them a word of wisdom. The young people stepped aside when he was in their presence and the older men stood up when he entered a room. He was admired and well-liked by his peers and colleagues, but all that changed when he lost everything and took ill. He was now found to be detestable in everyone’s eyes.

It is easy to have “friends” when things are going well, but you find out who your true friends are when things spiral out of control in your life. When you have money, houses, cars, clothes, and health, people tend to like being around you, but let you lose all of those things, you will see who is really there for you. It is good to sometimes make a list of the people in your life and take inventory as to what they contribute to your life, and you theirs. Sometimes we try to hang on to people who do not want to be held on to, and other times the season of people have expired because God is taking you in a new direction. A pastor once said, “Everyone cannot go with you on your climb.” This statement is so true because there are times that God will elevate you, but He will have you leave some people behind, so they will not be a crab in your life to pull you down.

As Job found out, people can be funny when your days are not sunny. Therefore, it is wise to ask the Lord to expose the hearts of those around you, and if you find that you do not have “genuine” friends, ask Him to send some your way. Every David needs a Jonathan and every Naomi needs a Ruth. The Bible says that a friend sticks closer than a brother. Jesus is the best Friend that we will ever have, but if you find that you are lacking God-ordained friendships, ask God for His help in uniting you with Christ-centered relationships. Iron sharpens iron and we all need each other to survive. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (09JUN19) Have you ever longed to go back in time to the “good ole days?” This is where Job found himself in the middle of his trial. He longed for the days when God had shown him great favor and when he had the respect of those around him. So much had changed for Job whereas he was once the social butterfly, he had now been reduced to isolation and desolation. He did not see a future for himself and could only longed to go back to when his future did not look so bleak.

There may have been times in life when you too may have wanted to go back, but those days can never be restored. Every minute that passes, it is a minute that will never return. Every day that comes in, will never be repeated as it goes out. Time waits for no one, so we must make the most of it when we have it. When God looks over your life, what will He say about the way that you spent your time? Will He say that you served Him well with the time that you had, or will He say that you placed Him on the backburner, for time with Him was not important? We all have busy lives where we have things to do throughout the day, but God should always be our first priority and not our last resort. The time we spend with Him is more valuable than what we often tie ourselves to throughout our day. Let’s remember to make time for Him, and he will give increase to the rest of our day. Something to ponder…

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