It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (07JUN19)

 JOB MOMENT – (07JUN19) Job posed the timeless question of why the wicked seems to prosper while the righteous suffer. He did not understand that after he had done what he knew to be right, the wicked seemed to live in prosperity without ever giving praise to God, while he suffered nonstop. Everything around the wicked seemed to be blessed even up to the grave, while the righteous had countless struggles, suffering, pain and misery, that followed them to the grave. Job did not have an understanding for it then, and many people do not have an understanding for it now.

Many Christians can truly relate to how Job felt. It oftentimes seems as if the wicked have longevity of life, prosperity, and security, while the innocent suffer. Those who do others wrong also seemingly have no consequences to their actions. They are conscious and guilt-free, while those who try to do what is right are the recipients of their evil. Yes, we know that the wicked will one day get their eternal reward if they remain unrepentant, but sometimes the knowledge of this does that help in the present age to ease the suffering of the righteous. Nevertheless, we must indeed look and compare the present age to the upcoming age when Jesus returns. The righteous must keep their eyes on their eternal reward, but the wicked are likened to the prodigal son who wanted his share of the wealth immediately. In the end, his wealth had run out, while the other son still had his to use. Jesus gave this parable to say that despite the wickedness of the son wanting to go his own way, the father was there to welcome him home. Likewise, the Father is giving those who are lost a chance to come back home even though they are currently enjoying their earthly goods. The righteous suffer indeed, but we have not used our inheritance because we know that we have a heavenly one coming of greater importance than the temporary satisfaction that the wicked receives in this life. One investment will collapse, while the other is eternal. Something to ponder… 

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (07JUN19) Eliphaz, Job’s friend, pointed out all of the things that he thought Job had done wrong. He was fault-finding, or at least trying to, in order to make job discouraged and feel that he brought trouble upon himself. Job would not back down from his claim of being innocent of all charges made against him. Just like Job, we have to be careful of the enemy, who is the accuser of the breathen, trying to make false accusations against us. Even if they were true, Jesus said that all we have to do is repent and turn from our sins. Satan is always pointing fingers at us in hopes that we would give up. Nevertheless, we must hold on. Do you know why? We know what Satan’s end is going to be. Now, do you know what God has said about your future? If so, keep letting the devil point because as he points, Jesus points him to Calvary. Something to ponder….

JOB MOMENT – (07JUN19) Job made a profound statement. He professed that God knew the path that he would take, but when He was done testing him, he would come forth as pure gold. Was Job coming to the knowledge and understanding that he was going through some type of test? At times, it seemed that Job was having cognitive dissonance. At one minute, Job was questioning God and then the other minute he was having faith to know that he would make it through his trial. Sometimes, we tend to be the same way. We go in between two opinions of God. There are days when we know that God will bring us through, and then there are other days when we allow doubt to fester and make us become discouraged in God’s lack of movement. It is sometimes hard to remain steady in faith when you are not seeing any type of light in the tunnel. Nevertheless, the book of James tells us that a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). We must remain steadfast in our faith, so that we do not forfeit our reward.

Job said that once the test was over, he would come out as pure gold. Why does gold have to go through the fire? That is the only way to take out all of the impurities within the gold so that you can get to the carats. It is the same way with us as Christians. God allows us to be put through the fire to take out all the impurities that sin has left in us. After we have gone through the process, we become that 24, 18, 14, or 12 carat gold to edify His kingdom. The fire does not feel good and many people give way to the heat, but those who endure to the end will be saved. Something to ponder….

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