It Is Finished Audio

Saturday, April 6, 2019


SATURDAY PRAYER – (06APR19) Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for all of the blessings that you have bestowed upon us today, yesterday, in times past and for the things that you will do for us in the future. We praise your name and we give you thanks. We are ever so undeserving of your goodness, but we thank you for blessing us despite ourselves and giving us a hope, future, and not holding our past against us. We humbly ask you to forgive us of any and all sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We know that we are nothing apart from you, but you sent your Son to die for us so that we may have life and not be condemned to a devil’s hell. Today, we want to ask that you will be with those who are suffering persecution all around the world for your name’s sake. We pray that you will provide protection, deliverance, restoration, and keep their sanity of mind. We pray that you will be with your innocent little ones who are dying inside and outside of the womb. We pray that you will help those who are the innocent victims of sex-trafficking, so that they may be freed and that their captors will go to the prisons that they belong in. We pray for those who have committed crimes in and outside of government that they be brought to justice. We ask, Lord, that you will be with those who are fighting battles in their homes, mind, jobs, finances, families, churches, and other issues. We pray for those who are sick, that you will heal them. We pray for those who are taking care of others, that you will replenish them. We pray for those who are in life’s transitional moments, that you will bring them through. We pray for those who are dealing with broken homes, toxic relationships, unruly children, spiritual abuse, and attacks on every side, that you will deliver and restore them to a place of perfect peace. For those who need jobs, please provide. For those who need healing, please heal. For those who need finances, please supply. For those who need help, please send. And for those who need rest, please comfort. We pray for our president and his family as well as our vice-president and his family. We pray for the salvation of the lost. We pray that we as Christians be ready to face whatever comes upon the face of the earth, so that we may help in ushering souls to you. Rather there is a pre-trib, mid-trib, or post trib taking away of the saints, we pray that we will be found worthy to be in your presence. We ask all of these things in your Son’s name, Yeshua Hamashiach. Amen.

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