It Is Finished Audio

Monday, April 15, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (16APR19)

1 KINGS MOMENT – (16APR19) God had warned the Israelites when they came out of Egypt that they were not to intermarry with foreign nations because their hearts would be turned from God. The Lord appeared Himself to Solomon and told him that if he was careful to follow His ways, not only would he be blessed, but his descendants after him. Although God had given Solomon much wisdom, Solomon became foolish. He defied God by not only intermarrying with foreign nations, but he worshiped their heathen gods. The gods that required human sacrifices, orgies, and things that God found to be detestable were worshiped by both Solomon and his wives. Therefore, God told Solomon that his kingdom would be torn away from him and that his son would be the one to experience this judgment. Solomon had brought this judgment on himself because he knew the ways of the Lord, but chose to defy God unlike his father David.

We as Christians must be careful to never be wise in our own eyes and ignore the counsel of the Lord. Solomon had been blessed tremendously and yet, he fell away from the Lord while knowing what the consequences would be. We sometimes wonder why God does not bless us in the time and manner that we desire, but sometimes, God is protecting us from ourselves. If God was to give us all that we asked for when we asked for it, we too may wonder after strange gods and forget about the Giver of the gifts. When we have to wait on God to bless us with things, it is not that God does not want to do so, it is His wisdom in knowing the timing of when we are spiritually mature to handle what He gives us. Where we may that think we are ready to handle more, God wants to see what we do with less. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (16APR19) God raised up adversaries against Solomon. Solomon could have had the blessings of God to pour down not only on him, but on his descendants; unfortunately, he chose the wrong path. For a long time, Israel had peace with its neighbors, but God allowed Hadad, the Edomite and Rezon the capturer of Damascus to become thorns in Solomon’s side. The Bible does not go specifically into details concerning possible battles between the two adversaries and their armies, but there must have been some type of military tension between the rivals. This is why the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death… Sin brings about all kinds of trouble. When we choose to be disobedient to God, we can see its effects in our lives. The enemy aims to have us enjoy temporary satisfaction, but his pleasures can be sure to turn into a lifetime of pain. Yet, the gift of God is eternal life for those who repent and turn from their wicked ways by allowing Jesus to have His way in their lives. Satan is our adversary and he comes up against us with all kinds of temptations. When we yield to his temptations, he gains ground in our lives. This is why it is so important to stay near to God. Whatever may hinder us from having a close relationship with the Lord, we need to rid ourselves from it, so that we do not become bound to sin. Sin separates us from Christ, but Jesus restores us to the Father. The devil is indeed our adversary, but we have an Advocate who is constantly fighting on our behalf. Something to ponder…

1 KINGS MOMENT – (16APR19) God had the Prophet Ahijah to tell Jeroboam that he would be king after Solomon, but over a divided Israel with only ten tribes under his authority, and the other tribe would be given to Solomon’s son. This division in Israel was due to idolatry, but Jeroboam was promised that if he would walk in the ways of the Lord and follow His commands, God would establish a dynasty for him, as he had promised David. Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but the Bible does not specify as to the reason, Nevertheless, it was more than likely due to the fact that he learned of God’s promise to make Jeroboam king, and just as Saul tried to eliminate David, Solomon wished to do the same with Jeroboam. Therefore, Jeroboam fled to Egypt until Solomon’s death, just as David had to flee until Saul’s death. Isn’t it strange how we may know the history of how God operated in times past and yet, we sometimes choose to follow in the same destructive ways? Solomon should have been wise enough to know that just as Saul had not been successful in killing his father David because of the anointing God had on him, he also would not be successful as well. Once God declares a thing, His Word will come to pass. Sin, however, makes you foolish regardless of how much knowledge, education, money, or material possessions one may have. When we do what is contrary to God, we choose to become of a reprobate mind where logic is no longer logical and common sense is no longer common. We see this taking place all throughout society today where we are being told that men are not men and women are not women, and should you point out the obvious, you are classified as a homophobe, xenophobe, racist, sexist and bigot. Mental illness is the new norm and the normal are now considered as being mentally ill. We are living in the sinful world of the Twilight Zone. You may now go to your regularly scheduled program. Something to ponder…

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