It Is Finished Audio

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (21APR19)

2 KINGS MOMENT – (21APR19) Elijah was about to be caught up to Heaven, but he asked his mentee, Elisha, what he could do for him prior to his departure. Elisha wanted a double-portion of Elijah’s anointing. Elijah let him know that what he was asking was a difficult thing, but if God allowed him to see his departure, then the Lord would have granted his request. Elisha was indeed able to see Elijah’s departure as a chariot of fire and horses came and took him away. Elijah had left behind his cloak and Elisha picked it up which was symbolic of the transference of the anointing that he received.

Many people desire to have certain titles in the body of Christ, but they would be wise to ask themselves, “Do I have what it takes to carry such a mantle?” Elisha did not settle on just wanting Elijah’s anointing, but he wanted a “double-portion” of it. Elijah told him that it was a difficult thing. It was not that God could not do what Elisha was asking, but with a double-anointing also comes the possibility of double trouble such as what Elijah had encountered with Ahab and Jezebel. Yet, Elisha desired to have it and God granted His request.  People who are true followers of Christ know that it comes with a cost. Jesus said that we must count the cost to be a disciple of His (Luke 14:28-33). Many who were followers of Christ died as a result of their faith in the early church. The prophets of the Old Testament were often ridiculed, mocked, imprisoned, and even killed because of their message. Jesus was crucified because of who He was and His teachings. The apostles were killed, with the exception of John, because of preaching the gospel. Yes, there is a mantle that must be carried for the sake of Christ, but we must all evaluate ourselves to see if we are just wearing the title of Christian, or are we truly wearing the mantle that comes with being a follower of Christ. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (21APR19) Elisha was a bald-headed man. As he was walking from Bethel, he encountered a group of boys who were disrespectful and made fun of him being bald. Elisha, having no tolerance for such mannerism, pronounced a curse on them. After which, two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.

The Bible tells us to train up children in the way that they should go and when they are older, they will not depart. In today’s time, we do not see much “training” going on even amongst Christians. Children are allowed to be led solely by their emotions instead of the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. This is why we have a “snowflake” generation who thinks that they can just throw a hissy fit and have their way. A few days ago, police were called in Chicago to where young people were congregated to handle their disruptive ways in the city, but the news article said that some of them had to be arrested because they had no regard for authority. What have we become as a society where young people do not feel the need to obey their elders or those in authority?

We have a generation where it is okay to wear your pants down to your knees, call women b**** and h**** in music and videos, not give up a seat to allow a senior citizen or lady to sit, needs a “safe space” in a public institution of learning, paraded on media platforms in a state of confusion regarding their gender, and have low tolerance for opposing opinions. Where are the parents who can and will speak life into these young people by training them in the ways of the Lord? Unfortunately, many are being raised by King Ahabs and Queen Jezebels who are more concerned about their own pleasures of idolatry than God. Nevertheless, for those parents who truly have a heart for Christ, even if your child should stray away from God, do NOT give up praying for them. God answers the prayers of the righteous and they do avail much. Your prayers can make all the difference in the world. Speak those things as though they were and believe God. He is in the saving business and His arms are not too short to save your child. Something to ponder…

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