It Is Finished Audio

Friday, January 13, 2017

Special Shabbat Edition: "When Seasons Change"

When Seasons Change

          In a few months, I will be turning 42 years old -- the month of May to be exact. You may say wow...she never blogs about herself for those who have been following me for quite some time. Well, I normally don't, but I decided to indulge my audience today. My life has had various ups and downs, but by the grace of God, I have always been the type of person to never allow the downs to keep me down. In comparison to many people, I can say that I have lived a fulfilled life for the most part. I have been to college and still is, served in the military, had my own business, owned my own home, been part of great ministries, had many material possessions and the list goes on. I've even had the opportunity to travel outside of the U.S. and do other forms of entertainment. I still haven't been blessed with the Godly spouse and children, but that's in God's timing. However, I have been blessed in many other ways, but there were times when seasons changed.

          People sometimes think that being a Christian will not present you with challenges. However, when you decide to commit fully to Christ, that is oftentimes when the most difficult challenges take place in your life. I know that we are the culture that thinks positive thinking can always change the world based upon what is taught in many of America's pulpits, but Jesus never said that. He actually said that everyone who follows Him must pick up their cross and that we would be despised because of Him. Well, He was definitely right on both accounts because as you begin to follow Him, you will notice that seasons will begin to change. You may ask, "How is that?" I'm glad you asked.

          I found that when I was straddling the fence when it came to God, I had plenty of company, life seemed to be going great, and the world was for my taking. However, when God started to do a work in me, I began to lose taste for the things that I once found pleasurable. Some friends I lost contact with because we were no longer walking down the same path. Some habits that I had were no longer an issue because I lost the taste for them. My focus became more on God than the things of this world, which caused me to be tested in more ways than I can imagine. It's as if Jesus was saying to me, "Are you willing to forsake all to follow me?" Even though that question was not posed by Him directly to me in an audible manner, the circumstances in my life were no less making me become aware that the question was a silent rhetorical one. The answer for me, needless to say was, "Yes!" The seasons were changing.

          The seasons changed in that where I lost material things, I gained status in Heaven. Where I became homeless, I had the shelter of the Most High. Where I didn't have many friends, Jesus was my Best Friend. When I shed tears of pain, God collected every one. When I felt all alone, He let me know that an angel was there to guard me. And when I felt like giving up, He picked me up and carried me. See, I've gone through some difficult seasons in my life and they did not always feel good. The higher that God was taking me, the more people, things, and other layers I began to lose. Nevertheless, I found that I can't hold on to a season once it's gone. When that season is over, you have to Let Go.

          I said all that to say this, sometimes, we try to hold on to seasons in life when God is saying that it is time to Let Go. We hold on to relationships, jobs, grudges, and other things that are a hindrance for the next season that God wants to take us in. Some seasons are better than others, but nonetheless, if God is leading you there, He will take you through it. Time is short and Jesus is soon to return. No man knows the day nor the hour, but the signs are letting us know that it will be soon as said in His word. 

          Allow me to close with this. If God has impressed upon you to end a season in your life...just do it. If it's a relationship, trust that He has a better one. If it is a job, trust that He has a career for you. If you are holding onto a grudge, forgiveness is a must to go into the next season of your life. Whatever area God is trying to move you from, do not hold on to it for dear life, but allow Him to take you to the next season. You never know, but the next season of your life, could be the most rewarding for God to get the utmost glory. 


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