It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

When You're in the Cold of Winter

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man that trust in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be like a tree planted by the water and that spreadeth out her roots by the river.
     This year has been one of the coldest winters that Georgia has ever had. It is a year that we have had snow, ice, sleet, and other weather elements that most northern states usually get. It had gotten so bad during the first bad weather mix that there were multiple car accidents, and some were left stranded on the highway. Much of this was due to the state's lack of preparedness. However, after hearing and adhering to the meteorologist warnings, this time, they were ready.
     Many of us are having a winter mix in our daily lives. It often times feel like uncontrollable amounts of weather having been thrown at us in all directions. Some may even call this the "perfect storm." You have tried to live for Christ the best way that you could, but life hasn't spared you from the cruelty that is its reality. The elements that you are facing may be broken relationships, unruly children, debt, illness, family dysfunction, church hurt, and much more.
     You may have thought that you were going to be exempt from a lot of this, only to be caught in the blizzard of it all. Many may even question God as to why certain things have been allowed to happen, and for how long will the storm continue. Your faith has been tested, your prayers have gone up, your fasting has given you few answers, and you still  find yourself in the "dead of winter."
     What are you supposed to do? Roll with it, bundle up, say a prayer, and keep your head up. Yes, there is no way to avoid a storm UNLESS God steps in. However, as much as we may want to avoid certain situations in life, God doesn't always send them away. He will, however, take you through it. You may ask, "Why God doesn't help you to avoid it altogether?" We don't always understand God's ways, but we must trust in the fact that He knows what he's doing. Many times, the issues that we face have little to do with us other than the fact of Him strengthening us to help someone else.
     I know that you may get tired of being a "Guinea" pig. However, many characters in the Bible were the first to encounter experiences that we are facing now. Just think that if the people of the Bible hadn't gone through anything, who would we be able to read about today? We wouldn't have any examples to follow. So just think about it! What we have and are going through is a testimony for someone else who may be in a similar situation. By having gone through a winter season in our lives, we are able to encourage someone else by letting them see that God delivered us and will do the same for them.
    What an awesome testimony to share. I know that God has brought me through a lot. If it were not for Him, I would have lost my mind. My winters have not been easy, but as with the natural weather, all seasons have an end. Will you allow God you to make it through yours? Trust in Him even when you don't understand. He will cover you, and bring you through your winter because your Spring is coming. Take care and be blessed.

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