It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Weight of Sexual Frustration

Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother, cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.

     I have been single for nearly 39 years. "Single" for you who are confused with its meaning is "not married." Your Boo may have promised you a ring, but until you say, "I do," you are single. That also includes divorcees and the widowed. One of the many challenges with being single is the lack of "getting any." Okay, some of you married people are probably saying, " I'm not getting any and I am married." Lollll, well, if that is your case, I suggest you go for pastorial counseling, or recommend to your spouse to get the little "blue" pill.
     Some of you may need help in defining the term "getting any." Okay, let me help you out! That means you are not "having sex." I will go a little further and say that it also includes ORAL. Yea, I did go there! Some think that having oral sex is acceptable as a Christian, but that is not correct. We are to remain pure from ALL sexual immorality. Therefore, any sexual act that we do outside of the confines of marriage is a sin.
     So, the question becomes, "What do you do when you have those sexual urges?" I am not going to even insult you by saying to take a cold shower. That doesn't work! Yes, we can go pray, but at 2am in the morning, I am going to keep it real, prayer is the LAST thing on my mind. Okay, some may ask, what about masturbation? Well, I have heard various opinions on this in the Christian community. Most often, the text in the Bible where the man spilled his seed to the ground is commonly used in the argument against masturbation. However, this scripture was about a man who was supposed to fulfill his obligation to reproduce with his deceased brother's widow. So, I will not use that text.
     I am going to be honest. The only thing that you can do as a Christian is to ask God to bottle up those urges until such time that He sees fit to give you a spouse. I can't tell you to break God's law. What I can say is that Jesus encountered every temptation that we face, and yet, he did not sin. Therefore, if he could do it, so can we. After all, he was flesh while on earth.
     What I have found that helps is being around other Christian singles who are truly on the same path. I can't say it has been an easy one and that I haven't fallen. However, the Bible says that a righteous man falls, but gets back up. This doesn't mean to take advantage of God's grace. It means that if you mess up, repent and start over again with the true intention of not repeating your indiscretion.
     God loves us and wants the best for us. Just ask Him for His help. He is always there to lend a helping hand. Take care and God bless!

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