It Is Finished Audio

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Busy Bodies...Tend to Your Own Affairs!!!

2 Thessalonians 3:11 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. (NIV)

          Talk Shows! Millions of people watch them daily across the country. Everyone wants to know the latest news, gossip, and things happening in the lives of celebrities, political figures, and even those in religious organizations. The juicer the news, the better the ratings. As a matter of fact, bad news seem to get more publicity than good news on any given day. If you notice, the first 5 minutes of most local news channels consist of who got shot, killed, stabbed, ran over, or some type of accident to draw the viewer's attention. They probably figure that starting the news on a positive note would cause a drop in their ratings. Why is that? Is it that we have become such a society who feeds on so much bad information that anything remotely positive is considered as boring? I am afraid that for many, that is the case.
          Many people thrive on negativity. They love to know if and when others are not doing well. They feed off of other people's misery or misfortune. These types of people cannot be trusted as far as you can throw them. As soon as they hear that someone has taken a fall, they are on the phone quicker than you can say "Peter Piper Pumkin Eater." One thing you should know for sure, if they are bringing gossip to you about someone else, they are taking your business to others as well. Did you really think that you were exempt regardless of how "cool" you think ya'll are? If you thought that was  the case, you definitely have blinders on. Just like they are in the marathon to bring your the juiciest news, your steak is on the grill too.
          I have had those type of people in my life, but I am happy to say that their "account" has been permanently cancelled. Once I find out for certain who you are and that you are no good, you will definitely not have a second interview. See busy bodies and gossipers are like snakes in a jar. You are safe as long as the lid is closed. However, if you open it up, you can be sure to get bit. They are just waiting for the right opportunity to attack. Once they do, the venom can kill you quickly without emergency medical attention.
          Your name would be mudd before you can bat an eye. These are the same folk who act as if they are genuinely concerned about your well-being, while secrectly planning your demise. 1Timothy 5:13 says, "Besides they get into the habit of being idle and going from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saing things they ought not to. (NIV) The Bible is clearly saying that they have nothing better to do than to stir up trouble. You often find that these people don't know how to carry on an intellectual conversation without who did what, when and how. When they find out that you are no longer interested in their malicious gossip, you will find that your services are no longer needed and your phone bill will drop to an all new low. You will be able to get more done and peace will become a precious commodity.
          So how do you get away from busy bodies? I am glad that you asked. It's simple! Tell them to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS! Don't sugar coat it at all. Their mouth could be picked off the floor once you give it to them straight. Tell them that you are not Wendy Williams and your conversation is costly. What do I mean? It is costing you time and money of which, both, you do not have enough of. When you put your foot down and make it known to busy bodies that you are too busy for them, they will disappear as if you have the plague. Problem solved! I pray that this will help those victimized by busy bodies, and if you are the one that's busy, GET A LIFE, which doesn't include meddling in other people's affairs. Take care and God bless!

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