It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Love...A Climatic Experience with God!

Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James, a romance novel, received a lot of attention throughout the country. Women, who are said to be responsible for its great success, enjoyed the characters and the author’s ability to induce their sexual fantasies. When asked what other factors contributed to this particular novel being the success it was in a market were romance novels are competitive, the author explained that changing the package of the typical cover encouraged more people to buy it.
 Most romance novels have a man and woman in some type of compromising position, therefore; there is nothing different about the cover of the book in comparison to others. However, the author and publisher decided to tone down the colors and market the book in a grey scale that would not be so obvious that it was a romance novel. This provided anonymity for those who were interested in reading romance, but didn’t want it displayed in the open for others to see. To say the least, their marketing strategy worked.  
Now, what if those same people had a passion for the One who created sex? What if they were running to the bookstores and online to get the latest novel about INTIMACY with God? What if they knew that they didn’t have to have a superficial fantasy with fictional characters, but could have all their desires met by the Lover of their soul. What if???
In today’s society, there is so much emphasis on SEX. It is used to sell hamburgers, cars, clothes, music and much more. Little is left to the imagination these days and it is widely talked about on TV, in music, books, and much more. The world has equated Love to Sex. What is often believed and encouraged is, “I must sleep with you in order for you to love me.” However, that is not the way that God intended it to be.
God created Adam first, therefore, a relationship with God was established before there was one with Eve. 1 Timothy 2:13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. (NIV) Jesus later went on to say that we are to seek the kingdom of heaven first then, the rest would be added. Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV)
The world seeks after sex first, but we are to seek after God first, experience His love, and then allow Him to provide that mate for us.
          Many relationships are doomed to fail because God has been left out of the equation. We have become a society that focuses on sexual satisfaction and equating that to love rather than understanding and receiving it from the One who created it. Hollywood has glamorized
“who is hooking up with whom” and “who is divorcing who”. Is this the type of image that God want us to have as Christians? I think not!
          We wonder why teen pregnancies have risen over the years and why there are so many single-parent homes. This is not to bash single parents because many got caught up in a bad situation, and are doing the best that they can to raise their children. However, we should teach teens and young adults to know what Love really is. They need to know that God is love and He doesn’t require you to take your clothes off as lyrics to many secular songs would have them believe. Therefore, if God who is the Creator of love doesn’t require it, then neither should someone else unless marriage has taken place.
          However, teens and young adults are not alone. Many older people do not understand what love is as well. They hop from relationship to relationship thinking that each one will equate to the Cinderella ending. Most are disappointed when this ending never takes place. They are often victims of abuse, used, and mistreated only to have their self-esteem grinded on the floor. What happened they wonder? Could it be that they didn’t know what love was from God and therefore, what the standard that should be in a relationship? I would say so. Just as the author of “50 shades” had to change the covering of the traditional romance novel to create success, our view of Love should change too.
          See, when you understand who God is and what His love can do in your life, you will not settle for cheap imitations. You will not settle for someone who isn’t led by God because that person will definitely not lead you towards the right path. A person not led by God doesn’t really know how to love and therefore, has no accountability to you. You will find yourself cheated on, encounter physical, mental and emotional abuse, and be left feeling like the ultimate failure. It is like trading a steak for a can of tuna. You will get the shorter end of the stick.
          In my new book to be released January 14 on Amazon, “Love: Begins at the Heart of God” you will have a love affair with the Creator Himself. No, this will not be your typical boring book. It will bring you to a Climatic experience with the Lover of your soul. Of course, it will not be in the physical sense, but nothing short of the same experience. Rather you are single, married, divorce, or in some other category, you will discover what it means to find fulfillment and satisfaction in God. Therefore, you will be able to transfer it to your future mate, current mate, or just being happily single. Wherever God has you at during this time of your life, it can be a spiritual erotic experience.

          I encourage you to purchase this for yourself, other couples and singles’ ministries as well. May God bless you as you learn about having a love affair with Him. Please like me on Facebook at KL Rich Spoken Word Corner and visit my website at You can also email me at