It Is Finished Audio

Monday, December 19, 2016


The Making of a Vessel  – The Rebuilding of  Walls

Isaiah 66:2 “Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord…(NIV)

          The Children of Israel had been taken into captivity by the Babylonians due to their disobedience against God. Prophet after prophet had been sent by God to plead with them to turn back to Him and avoid the destruction that would come. The Children of Israel, however, did not listen to the prophets and although there was a remnant that remained true to God, the majority of them were defiant and refused to heed the prophetic warnings. Therefore, the time eventually came when God allowed His hand of protection to be lifted, so that they would one day return to Him and receive the blessings that He had in store for them. Daniel 1:1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. (NIV) Just as the Children of Israel were defiant and taken captive, many of us have been rebellious against God as well, and have become a captive to sin. Therefore, the Potter has to rebuild His broken vessels, so that we may fulfill the purpose that He originally designed us for. He made no mistake in creating us; we made the mistake in failing Him.

            The Bible tells the story of the prophet Nehemiah who was impressed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after its destruction. During Biblical times, the walls to a city was a sign of strength and protection. As you may recall the story of Jericho, the walls had to come down first, so that the city could be overtaken by the Lord’s people. Joshua 6:20 When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city. (NIV) Many people have broken walls in their lives that have been infiltrated by the enemy. They sometimes do not realize that they have been compromised until they find themselves in a place of fear and brokenness. Nevertheless, the Potter will rebuild the walls that are broken; the pieces that have been shattered. Let’s take a look into Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the walls, so that we can have an understanding as to the process that it takes for the Potter to rebuild us.

Recognizing the walls are broken

The walls of Jerusalem had lain in ruins for many years. The once prosperous city of God had been overcome by the Babylonian besieged and had not been repaired due to the years of their captivity. Therefore, Nehemiah inquired about the status of the city’s walls, which he had not seen himself, but was confirmed through a messenger that the walls had indeed suffered mightily and were in absolute ruins. At the hearing of this news, Nehemiah wept and prayed. Nehemiah 1:3 They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” (NIV)

Nehemiah had to first recognize that the walls to Jerusalem were not in good condition. The city could not be restored until the walls that had been breached were repaired first. A nation without walls would not have survived for long. It is the same way with the Potter’s vessels. Many people are broken vessels with cracks, chips, and paint missing. Acknowledgement of the brokenness must take place first in order for there to be total restoration. They have been taken into captivity by sin, which has torn away at the walls of spiritual protection that the Potter had once established in their lives. Only the Potter can help people to come to the full acknowledgement that their walls need to be repaired because they have been breached. Psalm 51:3-4 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge. (NIV)

Pray to the Potter for Help

            Upon wanting to rebuild the walls to Jerusalem, Nehemiah knew that he would not be able to do such a task on his own accord. After all, he had been in captivity as well and did not possess any type of finances or supplies to do such a large task. His heart was very broken before the Lord when he heard the condition that Jerusalem’s walls were in due to their disobedience as a nation. 2 Kings 17:13-14 (13)The Lord warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets and seers. “Turn from your evil ways. Observe my commands and decrees, in accordance with the entire Law that I commanded your fathers to obey and that I delivered to you through my servants the prophets.” (14)But they did not listen and were as stiff-necked as their fathers, who did not trust in the Lord their God. (NIV) God repeatedly warned Israel to repent and turn from their wicked ways, but they remained defiant and preferred their gods of wood and stone over Him, consequently, bringing  about seventy years of judgment upon themselves.

            Nehemiah went before the Lord in prayer, weeping and fasting to petition Him for His help in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. Nehemiah would have to go before King Artaxerxes (Xerxes), Queen Esther’s husband, to request his help in being able to rebuild. Even though Nehemiah was under the rule of a foreign king, he knew that God was seated on the Throne in Heaven.

            Many people have walls in their lives that need to be repaired. They try various methods to fix themselves such as drugs, sex, money, harmful relationships, therapists and more only to find themselves in worse condition than before. The Potter is the only One who can repair the brokenness and cracks that have been compromised by the enemy, but prayer and repentance must be done first. Let’s break down the elements to Nehemiah’s prayer to gain understanding into what the Potter requires prior to the work beginning. TOMORROW'S DEVOTIONAL....

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