It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion

Matthew 27:31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and      put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. (NIV)  

          Jesus was led away to his death. There was no attorney to argue his case. There was no process of appeals. The decision was final. The people got what they wanted. The devil had put evil in the people’s hearts. There was no one to come to Jesus’ rescue. He had been found guilty by Rome and was being forced to carry his cross. Jesus being weak due to the terrible beating that the soldiers had inflicted on him, did not leave him with enough strength to carry the cross himself. The weight of the cross was heavy in mind and body. The final walk leading to his death was more than he could humanly bare alone. The soldiers, seeing how he struggled to carry his cross picked a man by the name Simon of Cyrene out of the bystanders to carry the cross for Jesus. 

          Many followed to where Jesus was being taken. Some looked on out of mere curiosity, while other grieved at what was taking place. Still some mocked him for not finding a way of escape. They quoted his words back to him that he would rebuild the temple in 3 days. They didn’t understand that he was the temple, but they took it as a literal interpretation. They laughed and scoffed at his misery. 
They had finally reached their destination. Jesus, laid outstretched on the cross as the soldiers nailed him to it. The nails had to be massive enough to hold his hands and feet securely while hanging on the cross. Pound after pound after pound went into securing the nails in place. 

          Jesus laid there suffering as the nails broke into his skin. There had not been an ounce of relief from the time he had been arrested. Pain had been endured and was not soon to let up. 
The soldiers pulled the cross up where all could see him hanging from it. Even while suffering to death, the leaders still mocked him. The devil would not even allow Jesus to die in peace. He was tormented physically as well as being verbally persecuted while hanging on the cross. One criminal alongside of him, who was being crucified as well, began to mock Jesus for claiming to be the Son of God. The other criminal scolded him and asked Jesus to remember him once he went back to his Father. Jesus assured him that he would see him again in heaven. The criminal, even while hanging on the cross, accepted Jesus as his Savior.

          Jesus looking down at his mother as she grieved asked John to be of comfort to her. Jesus knew that she would need his support for he would no longer be on earth as her son. John, who was Jesus’ brother, would take on the role of caring for his mother. Joseph, his earthly father, had been dead for some time and therefore, she would need his help. He loved his mother and was thinking about her during his final hours on earth. 

           The soldiers having taken Jesus clothes played dice for them to be distributed. They were never torn as a fulfillment of prophecy. Everything up to the tiniest detail was done as God had ordained. Jesus had accomplished what He had come to do. The day was like none other. It was the 6th day of the week. It was the Jews’ preparation day. It was a day before the Jewish Sabbath. Something was different about this day. No other day had been like it. Everything was still. Around noon, the sun had disappeared. It was if even the sun realized that it could not shine as the Son of God was about to take his last breath. It grew dark. No light could shine.

           All of earth and heaven was in grief over what was taking place. The birds did not sing. The wind stopped its celebratory breeze. Jesus was dying; the earth knew it and responded accordingly. Jesus, after hanging on the cross for 6 hours called out to his Father, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which means, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was feeling abandoned by God in his darkest hour. He felt alone. He felt that he was there hanging on the cross for a world to live, but the Father had left him when he needed him most. 

           Jesus did not have anyone from the heavenly host to give him support in his final hour. Jesus had to hang on the cross alone. God could only watch as His Son gave up his life. God could not rescue him from that path that he was destined to take. They had come too far. There was no turning back now. The deal had gone through. Jesus shouted out, “Father, I commit my spirit into your hands!” Jesus’ head fell over and he died.

          It was a dark day for mankind. It was a dreary day for the world. It was a day of mourning. It was a day where the evilness in men’s hearts was made known. It was a day of discouragement. It was the day of redemption. It was The First Black Friday.

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