It Is Finished Audio

Friday, August 7, 2015

What Scent Are You Leaving Behind?

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. (NIV)

             When I was in the 5th grade, there were these two sisters who were twins in my class. I will give them the names, Sally and Jan Humes. What was unique about these girls was that everyone knew them because of their scent. Unfortunately, it was a really bad odor. You could tell that they didn't have much because of the clothes they wore and how their hair looked as if it hardly been washed. The kids at school would tease them horribly. I am ashamed to say, but I had my share of laughs, at their expense, to some of the jokes that the boys made about them in class. I was cracked on too at school, but when the attention was off of me, I would join in too. Now that's for another topic of hurt people really do hurt people.

            Ok, getting back to the sisters. Their last name didn't make the jokes any better because someone came up with the slogan of Humes the fumes...we all laughed daily about that. Yes, we were something else. Every time the girls came to school, no one wanted to sit by them because the scent was so awful. You could smell them even when they weren't nearby. Whenever they missed school, which was rare, the class could breathe easier, literally.
            This brings me to the question of what scent are you carrying around? When people are in your presence, can they tell that Jesus resides in you? Do you have a noticeable different character in comparison to nonbelievers? Would you be able to be picked out of a crowd not because of outward appearance, but because of the Light that is shining bright in you? Or, would it be a smell of disgust because of the poor example that you are setting for others. 

            Everyone has a scent. You will either be known as one who lives for Christ and represent Him well, or you will be known as being a hypocrite when nonbelievers see that your perfume only last until church service is out.
II Corinthians 2:15 says, "For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are saved and those who are perishing." Our scent is to help those who are lost to come to Christ. However, how can they know to follow us if there is nothing that distinguishes our scent from the rest of the World?
            The priest in biblical times offered sacrifices unto God, and there was the scent of incense in the temple. God was and still is into the scent, fragrance and aroma that we as Christians have. Our lives are to be a sacrificial offering to God where He can fill us with the sweet aroma of His presence. However, where there's no sacrifice, there's no sweet smell. You are then spiritually dead, and as we all know, death, in its natural state, brings about a foul odor. We do not want to leave a bad smell for the lost. They need to smell Jesus in us. Just as food carries a scent that we try to follow, we should be the scent leading  souls to Christ. So, what scent are you carrying? Ask God to help you be a sweet smell for Him.

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