It Is Finished Audio

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fall of America

Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. (NIV)

Time and time again, we see the pattern of the Children of Israel throughout the books of the Bible where they would turn away from God, thus suffering the judgment of God because of their disobedience. They would turn to idolatry and follow the wicked ways of their heathen neighbors only to be rebuked by God repeatedly. God would send prophet after prophet to tell them to turn from their wicked ways and repent from their transgressions against God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (NIV)

God never wanted to punish His children. He always wanted what was best for them. Despite His love and faithfulness after getting them out of captivity from Egypt, they always fell back into worshipping Baal and other idols. What more could God do to show them the error of their unfaithfulness to Him other than to allow them to fall to ruin by other nations such as the Philistines, Babylonians, and Romans. If only they had a heart for God, the captivity and enslavement that they suffered as a nation could have been avoided and God would have shown Himself faithful to them each time the threat of trouble befell them.

Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. (NIV)

Time and time again, we see the pattern of the Children of Israel throughout the books of the Bible where they would turn away from God, thus suffering the judgment of God because of their disobedience. They would turn to idolatry and follow the wicked ways of their heathen neighbors only to be rebuked by God repeatedly. God would send prophet after prophet to tell them to turn from their wicked ways and repent from their transgressions against God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (NIV)
God never wanted to punish His children. He always wanted what was best for them. Despite His love and faithfulness after getting them out of captivity from Egypt, they always fell back into worshiping Baal and other idols. What more could God do to show them the error of their unfaithfulness to Him other than to allow them to fall to ruin by other nations such as the Philistines, Babylonians, and Romans. If only they had a heart for God, the captivity and enslavement that they suffered as a nation could have been avoided and God would have shown Himself faithful to them each time the threat of trouble befell them.

The same issues are facing the United States today. What used to be and arguably still is the greatest nation in the world is taking a nose dive. Many don’t see it because they are too blind to see what is facing this nation, but the United States is not looked upon by many nations as a force to be reckoned with any longer. The United States threaten other countries with sanctions for various things and the other countries look at us and laugh. There is not the great sense of leadership as it once was. The respect seems to declining with haste and soon. Other countries are looking for other currency and soon, according to many economist, the US dollar will crash. How long does the United States think that they can keep writing blank checks for money they don’t really have?

Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. (NIV) The United States with its Trillion Dollar debt in a slave to its borrowers…China. It’s amazing to see muscles try to be flexed with China when our nation is in so much debt with them. Can we really afford to flex anything?
            Why is the nation in such trouble right now? It is because we have a become a godless nation. It is because CHRISTIANS have sat back and allowed the nation to become that way. We have voted ungodly politicians into our government and have not stood for what is right. Instead of pastors standing  up for what is right and telling their congregation to do the same, they are more concerned about losing their 501c. There used to be a time when the church was the front leaders when it came to the injustices and ungodly things in the world in order to direct people back to Christ. Now, everyone is worried about their tax status being taken away.  And you wonder why is God missing out of our nation? Maybe it’s because God is missing out of many of our churches?

            How is it that the government can pass laws that forces people to go against their religious beliefs by imposing things such as the acceptance homosexual marriage onto Christian business owners, but we remain quiet. A Gallup poll says that 77% of Americans identify themselves as being Christians. Really? If this is the case, why is there so much godlessness in this society? 
2 Timothy 3:5 …having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. (NIV)

            Why did this nation pass laws that allow the sale of weed in stores without great opposition of Christians across the country? Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers? (NIV) Weed, other than for a medicinal purpose is an evil that is not of God. This country has enough dealing with alcohol and driving, so why add something that can affect the brain? We will deal more on this topic later this week, but could this have been prevented if more Christians had taken a stand against such legislation? Are we literally allowing our country to go down the tubes because of our fear to take a stand?

            Is it more comfortable to stand behind the pulpit and preach partial truths than to stand up for what’s right and encourage others to do the same? All over television, there is sex, murder, drugs, nudity and other depictions of evil, but how many of us are trying to be a light into the world to let the nation know that our country will be judged if we do not turn our faces to Jesus? Many of us are sitting back and just watching quietly as one godless act after another takes place in our country. However, when are we going to make a stand and pray for deliverance? When are we going to be less worried about the prosperity and more about repentance and Salvation? When are we going to stand up when leaders are putting laws into place to move God totally out of this country? When will we make a stand? I’m afraid that if we don’t, America is going to fall and do so quickly. When this happens, I don’t care what church you go to or what religion and building you are in…it won’t matter.

            There will come a day when the saints of God won’t be able to go to our fancy churches, but will have to have small gatherings, in people’s homes. We will not be able to have books and Bibles, but the word will have to be in our hearts.  We will not be able to celebrate our religious freedom because that will be taken away. Why? We didn’t take the stand when we should have and therefore, we will have to suffer through trials and persecution under the same government that we were part of, but didn’t stand for.

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