It Is Finished Audio

Friday, July 12, 2019


SATURDAY PRAYER – (13JUL19) Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you Lord for all your countless blessings that you have bestowed on each and every one of your children. We also thank you for the blessings that you have given to those who do not serve you, for it is in those blessings that they will not have any excuse to deny your existence in their lives. We know that you reign on both the just and the unjust, and even though we are unworthy of your grace and mercy, you have loved us with an everlasting love. We part our lips and raise our hands to say, “Thank you,” for your mighty works and the greatness of all that you have done. Lord, we ask that you will forgive us of all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Your Word says that we were born and shaped in iniquity, so there is nothing good about us, but your goodness rest on us. Cleanse our sins and make us new where we can best honor and glorify your name.

Lord, we pray for those who are sick, in hospitals, nursing facilities, hospice, and are filled with illnesses in their homes. We know that you are the Great Physician who makes the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the mute to talk. We know that you can raise the dead and give life where none was possible. You posed the question to Ezekiel, “Can these dry bones live?” We know that with you, all things are possible, so we pray that you would do a mighty work in those who need you right now. But if it is not in your will that they have a physical healing, we pray that they will be restored spiritually, and for those who have not accepted you, we pray for the Holy Spirit to do a work in their hearts.

We pray that you will comfort those who are being attacked by the enemy in their homes, marriages, children, jobs, churches, finances, and other areas where the devil has sent his minions with delegated hell-bound assignments. We know that the enemy roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, so we ask that you will cancel out his assignments. Nevertheless, should it be our time for testing, as it was with Job, we pray that we will have the mind of Christ and know that we are overcomers through the blood that He shed for us on Calvary.

We pray for the heads of governments around the world. We pray that your will be done and that nothing will happen without your permission as the devil seeks to destroy the whole world. We pray for our military men and women, peace officers, first responders, ICE agents, and those who risk their lives to serve and protect others. Some may not appreciate the dangerous position that they and their families are placed in on a daily basis, but we ask that you will keep them safe. For those who are corrupt in government and other areas, for which they are called to be responsible, we pray that you will relieve them of their duties, but for those who have a heart for the people that you have entrusted them with, we pray for them to be tremendously blessed.

We pray for your church, Lord. We pray that more eyes will open as to the seriousness of the hour in which we live. We pray that you will move on the hearts of those who are sitting in Babylonian churches who do not preach and teach the truth. We pray that you will open passages for them to know who they are in you and to move in accordance to your will wherever you may send them. We pray for the compromised leaders to lose their posts, and to bring in shepherds after your own heart. We pray for the salvation of the lost and that they will seek your face to be saved. We know that we do not get a chance to have any redo regarding this life, so we pray that when their time is up, they will have accepted you as their Lord and Savior. As always, we have so much that we can say, but we pray that your will be done in our lives and the lives of others. We ask all these things in the matchless name of Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach. Amen.  

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