It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (12JUL19)

DAILY REMINDER – Today, July 12’s Bible reading is Psalms 146-150.

NEXT DAY REMINDER – Tomorrow, July 13’s Bible reading is Proverbs 1-3. May God bless you with the reading of His WORD. 

PSALMS MOMENT – (12JUL19)  The psalmist wrote, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save” (Psalm 146:3). The psalmist learned throughout his lifetime that the only One that he could trust to help him was the LORD. He had encountered many battles where his enemies were against him, and yet, the people could not do anything to help him – only the Lord was there to save him from being overpowered by them.

Sometimes we can make the mistake in trusting in man over God to solve our problems. We turn to politicians, church leaders, bosses on jobs, and others with whom we may feel safe, but the only solution to any of our problems is the Lord. He is the One who knows everything about us, and He is the ultimate Problem Solver. The Children of Israel wanted something tangible that they could worship – something they could see. This led them to idolatry where they practiced things that were detestable to the Lord. They also asked for a king when the Lord was their King because they wanted to be like the other nations. In so doing, they rejected Him (1 Samuel 8:7). Unfortunately, they found out that kings, queens, princes, and governors could not save them. Only God was the One who could rescue them in their time of need. When we place our trust in the Lord, it requires the we live on faith, and that is what pleases Him. No one can do what God can, and even though man may be able to do some things, man fails in comparison to the Lord, for there is nothing that is impossible with God. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY - (12JUL19) Have you ever just looked at the sky at night and found yourself amazed at the wonders of the Lord? You may have noticed how it is impossible to know the number of stars in the sky and understand how the moon shines its light, but you were enthralled at how God knew what He was doing. The psalmist wrote, “Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies” (Psalm 148:3-4). The psalmist was letting the reader know that in everything that the Lord made, there is a praise that can be heard from the earth to the heavens. Sometimes, we should just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of what the Lord placed on the earth. Even though man has done a lot to destroy God’s creation, there are still elements of God’s glory all around us that even man cannot touch. Let us praise the Lord for all that He has made and glorify His name together. Something to ponder….

PSALMS MOMENT – (12JUL19) The Lord loves for His children to praise Him with instruments and dancing. The psalmist wrote, “Praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipelet everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:4, 6). The psalmist was letting the reader know that the Lord loves all kinds of musical instruments in which, we are to use to praise Him in song and dance. The devil, however, also loves to be praised and has used music to lure many souls to him. Whatever God has created, the devil has a counterfeit for. Therefore, he has taken music and caused many to make abominable and detestable songs for his edification.

We as Christians should be careful what we allow to enter our eye and ear gates. The enemy is out to capture as many souls as he can, and oftentimes, he uses tools that we may find as innocent. Yet, there is nothing innocent when it comes to the enemy. Anything that is vulgar or does not elevate the Lord, is a tool for Satan’s kingdom. The Bible says, “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons” (1 Corinthians 10:21). Many people think they are serving the Lord while they are setting a reservation for the devil. It cannot and will not work. We must make a choice to either be on the Lord’s side or the enemy. Our worship should always be to the Lord and anything that would be displeasing to His ears should also be distasteful to ours. Something to ponder….

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