It Is Finished Audio

Saturday, September 28, 2019


SATURDAY PRAYER – (28SEP19) Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father, we come to you this day with all due humility before your throne and we want to say, “Thank you,” for all the blessings you have done. You bestow blessings upon us even though we do not deserve it, but we know that you are a loving and gracious Father. We ask that whatever offenses we may have committed against you and/or against others, please forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

We pray for our dear sister who is trying to sell her home. We ask that you will place the right buyer before her and her husband and to allow the transaction to go along smoothly. We pray for those who are sick, depressed, lonely, and broken. We ask that you will lift them out of their current situation so that they will know that they can totally depend on you. We pray for our armed forces and we ask that you will keep them under your protection. Lord, we pray for our divided states of America. There is so much corruption taking place, but we ask that you will expose all of those working behind the shadows and allow those who are guilty of doing wrong on either side to give an account for their actions in a just court system. We know that you cannot stand injustices and that you support all who will stand against corruption and you hate liars who try to swindle, cheat, lie, scam, and connive their way. We pray for our president. We know that you allowed for him to be in office and we ask that should any removal take place, it  will only be at your hands and not that of evil men trying to cover up their deceptive and hypocritical practices.

We pray for the church to be about your business and that all corruption taking place in the pulpits on down be exposed just like in the government. We pray for the lost and that they will turn their hearts to you. We ask that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray all these things in your Son’s name, Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach. Amen.