It Is Finished Audio

Friday, September 20, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year (21SEP19)

DAILY REMINDER – Today, September 21’s Bible reading is Joel 1-3.

NEXT DAY REMINDER – Tomorrow, September 22’s Bible reading is Amos 1-5. May God bless you with the reading of His WORD. 

Joel’s Introduction 

The book of Joel is so named after its author. Very little is known about this prophet other than him being called to warn Israel of impending judgments and prophecies for the end times. Joel’s name means “The Lord is God.” Scholars believe that the book was written about 830 B.C. During the reign of King Joash.

Joel warns that the locusts and drought are signs that the day of the Lord was near for judgment. He asked that the people pray and repent before it was too late. Joel reminded the people of God’s blessings and promise of restoration. 

JOEL MOMENT – (21SEP19) Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity” (Joel 2:13). The prophet Joel had been sent to warn the nation that calamity was coming if they did not return to the Lord. The Assyrians and Babylonians were going to invade them like locusts if they failed to repent and turn from their wicked ways. The Lord did not want them to do what was the outward customary sign of mourning such as tearing their garments and wearing sackcloth and ashes. The Lord wanted Israel to have a change of heart because they were in cardiac arrest and needed reviving. He could only heal her if she would submit herself to Him completely. Unfortunately, Israel did not listen, but the Lord promised restoration to them after their time of captivity was over.

We all have to check our hearts and see if we have a heart condition. The Lord wants 100% of our hearts to be given to Him, but if we are loving the world more than the Lord, we will soon go into spiritual cardiac arrest. Once the heart flatlines, it takes God to revive it no matter how many defibrillator surges it receives. Let’s remember to pray over ourselves, family, friends, and others so that we will be in good standing with the Lord. Something to ponder….

QUESTION OF THE DAY - (21SEP19) Shall I leave their innocent blood unavenged? No, I will not. The Lord dwells in Zion!” (Joel 3:21).  All the nations, including Israel, were guilty of shedding innocent blood, but the Lord was going to restore His people after their captivity. Egypt and Edom had slaughtered the Lord’s people; therefore, He was going to avenge their deaths.

Every day, babies are being aborted around the world with no one able to protect them. People may get tired of those who speak out against the shedding of innocent blood, but the Lord repeatedly warns before He sends His wrath. Saints, we need to pray that ALL abortion ends. It is not good enough to pass a heart-beat bill when God values ALL life. God does not like the shedding of innocent blood. The Bible says: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises  wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community” (Proverbs 6:16-19). Everyone of these things are taking place when the blood of the innocent is being shed at abortion clinics around the nation. Their owners have haughty eyes in that they can sell baby parts right in front of the nation’s politicians and very few call them out on it for the right price. They have lying tongues because they claim to offer “health services” when their main goal is “killing services.” The staff have hands that shed innocent blood because they literally are ripping babies from their mothers’ wombs. They have a heart that devises wicked schemes for they plan to make every woman a potential client for abortion as soon as she walks into the clinic for a consult. Planned Parenthood accused Project Veritas of a crime in secretly recording them when Planned Parenthood is pouring out lies to the American people regarding the true nature of their organization. Finally, Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, hated blacks and the mentally challenged so she started conflict in the community by killing who she felt were the less than desirables. Any Questions??? Something to ponder and pray against….


  1. Very powerful messages today Sister KL. I feel ashamed that I don’t do more to stop abortion and speak out more on the sins of our land. We are such a wicked nation and yet we are the most blessed nation on earth. I attribute part of that to the covenant God made with our Pilgram forefathers. Anyway, I agree we need to do more and praying is the first step. I am so thankful for your powerful messages that keep me motivated to do more for the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. I just wish I had more energy! Do you think that the majority of the messages of these minor Prophets for the last days? Many years ago I sat under a Preacher who loved Bible Prophecy who said the book of Joel and others were written for the Last Days Church and Israel, just wondering what you thought?

    1. Hi Sis! I would agree with your pastor. Yes, these books were for the times then as well as for now. Many Christians make the mistake of thinking that the OT was just for Israel during that time, but there is a lot or prophecy in the OT that we are living out now with more to come. So, he was absolutely correct.

  2. Good to know, I just like getting your opinion on things I’ve learned over the years. I got saved under this Pastor in 1981 and he taught me a lot. My mind was a sponge back then and I just soaked everything he taught up and I really studied the Bible for myself under his leadership. Unfortunately, the devil came in and sowed a lot of ugly seeds in this church and it disbanded after about 10 years. This Pastor was really wonderful and I learned a lot. Today he is in the nursing home with dementia and I guess God will call him home soon. He also thought he would leave this earth in the rapture, perhaps he will, but I’m beginning to think that the rapture won’t happen until either after the Tribulation or perhaps midTrib. Oh well, just random thoughts. Thank you for your response.

    1. You're welcome and I'm sorry to hear about your pastor. His work is done, but he seemed to have left a great impact on you, so you are one of the great seeds that he had sewn. God bless!
