It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Illuminati History Part 1

Illuminati History Part 1

Illuminati Effects on Government, Television and Music Industry Part 2



Mathew 5:34-37 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. (NIV)

Proverbs 22:26a Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge…(NKJV)

One World Order or NEW WORLD ORDER

Genesis 11:1-9 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.  Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”  But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”  So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.(NIV)


            Conspiracy theorist--a label, which has been given to many people who speak out against things that are widely accepted by the mainstream as “normal.” They verbalize their opposition against government, the monetary system, dumbing down of the educational system, genocide by way of approved chemicals in food and drugs, Big Brother watching you agenda, and much more. Some people believe that they are just a bunch of quacks who don’t have anything better to do than to come up with what they consider as “preposterous” ideas and philosophies. However, what if what they are saying is true? What if they have better insight as to the workings of evil behind the scenes more than we realize? What if they are not conspiracy theorist, but are actual realists who have opened their eyes to what so many of us choose to be blind to? What if what they are saying is actually REAL? What if….

New World Order

Many have heard the term, “New World Order” used as part of conversation and/or talks by political leaders. However, few really understand what this is and how it affects the world that we live in. So let’s dig a little deeper and explore what many fail to understand about this term. It is composed of several components.

A.) Political

B.)  Economic

C.)  Military

D.) Science

E.)  Culture

F.)  Religion

All of the above components have are being used in an attempt to control the masses; therefore, taking people’s minds away from God and more towards evil. Yes, even religion is on this list. The goal of the One World Order is to unite all of these components into one under ONE WOLRD LEADER. So in others words, you will have one political system, one economic or monetary system, one RELIGION…. This is not one that people will want by choice. However, certain situations are being used or “created” to make people who would otherwise vote against such power, to be willing to vote for and/or give it away in an act of civil obedience for all mankind.

It is believed that the main force in being able to establish this world order will be that of RELIGION. In order to be able to finance this control, by means of war, the monetary system must and is being controlled by these elitist. The military is also being used as a pawn to create, start, and/or stop wars to bring servitude to the people that are within its government and those who may be the resistance. However, there is not much resistance being fought because many are oblivious as to what is even going on. People are blindly being controlled like puppets and the “powers that be” are manipulating the strings.

All secret societies can trace their origins back to ancient secret religions, which were practiced in Symaria, Egypt, and Babylon. They kept the masses under control and in servitude to a small elite. Large groups of people are able to be controlled by a few by keeping core knowledge to themselves. Yes, that is what these elitist do. They possess a lot of knowledge, which they use to control the masses. This type of control was used during the civil war when blacks were freed, but many slave owners did not give this knowledge to their slaves. Therefore, many slaves continued working as such for some time not knowing that they were actually free. Many groups that control the masses work in secret. You don’t know that they are in control, but they are.

Illuminati—Enlightened Ones

The Illuminati was founded by Johann Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776 with 4 other members. He had a Catholic background, but seemed to have developed a dislike for them due to what he considered as the makings of rules and hypocrisy. The Illuminati combines freemasonic thinking and religious interest. The Illuminati has roots, which come from Jewish Heresy, Freemasonry, and financial connections to the Rothchilds. The goals of the Illuminati are as follow:

A.) Obliterate all sovereign governments and its patriots.

B.)  Eradicate private property and inheritance.

C.)  Destroy the foundation of the traditional family.

D.) Eradicate religion.

The current monetary system (Federal Reserve) was developed by a family who had connections to the Illuminati. All major wars have been influenced by the Freemasonry/Illuminati philosophy in an attempt to promote One World Government. The Rothchilds, as was done in the war of 1812, has been funding both sides of wars for over 200. Yes, they are playing both sides in a greedy attempt for control.

            The founding fathers were believers in Deism and involved in Freemasonry. They believed in God, but only as they would interpret Him to be and not the Bible. George Washington helped to design the street makings of Washington, DC, which has masonic symbolism. Thomas Jefferson talked God, but did not accept the Bible. Matter of fact, he wrote his own bible and deleted passages that did not agree with his theology. Benjamin Franklin talked about God, but rejected traditional Christianity. He was a member of the club, “Hell Fire” a club dedicated to drinking, sex, and the ridicule of Christianity.

            In 1834, Italian, Giuseppe Mazzini, was made head of the Illuminati soon after Joahnn Adam Weishaupt died. He became a 33rd degree mason. He created the Mafia. The word “mafia” stands for:










Fires and


Due to Italian immigration to America in the 1890’s the mafia combined with the practices of the Illuminati in America. There is a statue currently of Mazzini on display in Central Park, New York.


Next to Adam Weishaupt, Albert Pike, a 33rd degree masonry and a top leader in the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, was the most influential Freemason known in history. He was asked to reform some of the Illuminati rituals, which constituted him to write a book titled, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which was published in 1871. He later created his own office of chief justice of the KKK. He has a statue on display in Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C. He is responsible for inflaming racial tensions, which lead to the Civil War. The Civil War was primarily about Monetary Control of the United States and slavery was only a secondary issue.

William Russel, a prominent business man, established a tax-free foundation, to protect his assets of Opium from China sells called Skull and Bones. It was founded at Yale University in 1832. 3 generations of the Bush family and

Jim Kerry have been members of Skull and Bones. The Bushes had fellow members appointed within their presidential organization.

            George Hegal created the Hegalian Dialectic. This system has 3 components:

A.) Create the problem. ( A government will create a situation which is a false flag attack to either harm or kill its citizens.)

B.)  Control the reaction to the problem. ( A government will control the reaction to the problem that it created by blaming someone else for it in order to have control.)

C.)  Offer the solution to the problem. (A government will offer a solution to the problem that it created, which involves a war or a system of regulations.) This solution would normally not have been accepted by the public if there hadn’t been a false flag attack. Remember “false flag attack” is a situation that was falsely created and made to look real. Many believe that the attack of 9-11 and some school shootings are some of those False Flags to take away the rights of its citizens such as privacy though the Patriot Act and now gun ownership.

Karl Marx, a Satanist, although his family was Christian wrote a poem and book concerning his beliefs, which says, “Thus Heaven I forfeited, I know it full well. My soul once true to God, is chosen for Hell.” (I believe that this may help debunk those who teach and believe in the false belief of “once saved always saved” theology. He was once saved, but turned his back on God.) Marx became a 32nd degree Mason. Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. The foundations of communism are identical to the goals of the Illuminati. NiKolai Lenin took over from Karl Marx left off. He admired ther writings of Mikhail Bakunin who wrote, “The Evil One is the Satanic Revolt against Divine Authority…Satan the eternal rebel, the first free thinker, and the emancipator of the worlds.”

In an act to control the monetary system, December 23, 1913 The Federal Reserve act was passed when most congressmen were not aware and during a Christmas break. This was illegal, but was allowed to pass anyway in exchange for campaign contributions. The bankers began to immediately finance wars. War was and still is a money maker. The government knows that if it wants to make money, create a war. The Illuminati bankers funded both sides of World War 1. They knew that communism could only continue as long as capitalism gave it support.


Wow! This makes you really think about Who is actually running our Government, Music Industry, and Television programming. There is so much to this, but I will continue this in Part 2 on Tomorrow’s Blog.



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