It Is Finished Audio

Friday, February 8, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year


LEVITICUS MOMENT – The priests and their families were the only ones allowed to eat the sacred food of the Lord. If the priests had daughters, they were allowed to eat the sacred food as well, just as long as they were married to a priest. If the priests’ daughters married someone who was not a priest, they could no longer partake of the sacred food unless they became a widow or divorced with no children and had returned to their father’s home to live. God took special care of not only the priests, but their daughters. He did not leave the women out to fend for themselves, nor did God forget about the poor and needy. In today’s times, we have the feminist movement who feels as if they do not need a male other than to breed. Yet, God never neglected to care for His daughters all throughout the Bible for He was their Heavenly Father. He saw to it that they were especially provided for when they were unmarried and had no children of their own. Although we live in a world where women and men are encouraged to be independent of each other, according to secular standards, we should never stray away from God’s original design. God desires that we care for each other regardless of gender. The world says that independence is best, but Jesus says that we are a community of believers making one body. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – The Lord instructed Moses to tell the Children of Israel that there were certain types of offerings, sacrifices, and special Sabbaths and feast days that they were to observe. One of these types of offerings was the giving of First Fruits. When the Children of Israel entered the land of Canaan, they were to give the Lord the first of their harvest. This was a special offering for bringing them out of Egypt into the land of promise where they would produce a harvest. In today’s times, many televangelists and pastors encourage their congregations to give a day’s, week’s, and even month’s salary to commemorate First Fruit giving as the Children of Israel did. They believe, or at least they encourage their members and followers, to believe that they will be blessed it they practice this type of giving. Some have gone as far as to say that if one does not give first fruits, they will be cursed by God. BE CAREFUL of this type of ideology. God indeed loves a cheerful giver and He always blesses those who give freely to Him and to others. Nevertheless, we must be mindful that we are no longer under the Mosaic laws and are therefore, to give freely under the freedom of grace and not under compulsion. Does God want us to give? Absolutely!  Will He bless those who give to His cause? Absolutely! Does God want you to give out of guilt or fear? No, He does not. As New Testament Christians, we are no longer under the Mosaic laws, but under the blanket of grace. Something to ponder…

LEVITICUS MOMENT – God did not want any defected or sickly animals being given to Him as a sacrifice. He wanted the Israelite’s absolute best to come before Him and would accept nothing less. He had done so much for them that He wanted them to show their appreciation with their giving. God was setting the standard because their sacrifices represented the Ultimate Sacrifice that He was going to send to earth who was without defect or blemish. They were giving to Him a temporary gift, but He had a permanent solution. We are sometimes guilty of taking God for granted and just giving anything to Him. We give Him the last of our day, the last of our thoughts, the last of our time, the last of our talents and the last of our treasure. Sometimes, what we do give, we act as if we are doing Him a favor by including Him in the mix. We are always first on God’s mind, but we sometimes make Him last on ours, and not in a positive way. Therefore, let us be sure to always give of our absolute best to the Lord, so that He will know that we prioritize Him as the Holy and Righteous God of our lives. Something to ponder…

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