It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year

DEUTERONOMY MOMENT – (27FEB19) Moses gave the Israelites a reminder of their history in the wilderness. This was done so that the new generation would know not to repeat the sins of their parents. The generation that had come out of Egypt had all died because of their rebellion. God had promised that they would be able to take the land that He had promised their ancestors, but due to a bad report, they allowed doubt to enter the camp, which angered the Lord. Therefore, He promised that not one of them, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, would enter the land, but their children would be the ones to go. We must be careful to never allow doubt to make us forfeit our blessings. The devil uses doubt as a weapon against us and once he plants it, we allow it to fester, take root, and grow because we do not have faith that God will do what He has promised. The Bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please the Lord. Guess what? Satan knows this and he wants to plant seeds of doubt in our minds, so that we will not be able to please the Lord. Therefore, it is important to know the enemy’s devices and how he uses them. He seeks to kill, steal, and destroy all that God has in store for us. You have the shield of faith, so use it. Block the enemy’s darts of doubt by holding up your shield of faith and the enemy will have to retreat. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (27FEB19) God had given land to the descendants of Esau and Lot, so whenever the Israelites crossed into their land, they were never to attempt to take it. This was God’s promise to those whom He had given land to and not even the Israelites were to touch it. Do you know that the enemy cannot take what is yours without God’s permission? Do you know that what God has assigned for you has a hedge of protection around it? We may sometimes worry that we will lose the things that God has for us, but if God assigned it, and in His will, He aligned it, then no demon in hell can cause God to decline it. God does not change His mind. Something to ponder…

DEUTERONOMY MOMENT – (27FEB19) Moses took a moment to blame the Israelites for God getting angry at him and preventing him from being able to lead them into the Promised Land. He let them know that Joshua would be the one to lead them for he was to go no further. The Israelites were indeed rebellious, and they had sinned against the Lord, but Moses was their leader and he was not supposed to allow his anger to allow him to sin. Therefore, the Israelites were not the ones who prevented Moses from going into the Promised Land. His inability to control his anger, going back from when he killed the Egyptian, was what prevented him from going into the Promised Land, and the Lord judged him accordingly. We cannot make excuses before the Lord when we fail to obey His commands. Just as Adam was not able to justify his sin by blaming Eve, and Eve was not able to justify her wrong by blaming the snake, for the bad choices they made, God does not allow us to justify our wrong with pitiful excuses. We are all held accountable for the decisions we make rather right or wrong. One day, we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. We will have to give an account for what we did on earth. Excuses will not be acceptable before the Lord. We must take responsibility for our lives and how we live them, so that when Christ returns, He will be pleased with our lives and say, “Well done.” Something to ponder…

Single and Saved

Monday, February 25, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year

NUMBERS MOMENT – (25FEB19) God had Moses to record the stages of the Israelites’ journey from the time they left Egypt throughout their time of forty years in the wilderness. They went from place to place till they came to the borders of where they would soon be ready to take the land promised to their forefathers. Even though Moses was not going to be able to take them into the promised land himself, he was still obedient to God and did all that He required. Many of us have gone through various stages in our Christian development. We’ve gone from drinking spiritual milk, to eating spiritual Gerber, to some Christians being able to eat full course meals. We will not totally arrive until we too get to our promised land. While we anxiously await that day, we must keep moving in the direction that the Lord would have for us to go in because with each move comes elevation in Him. You may ask, “How can I know that I am growing in God?” One of the best ways to know is when you find yourself being hungrier for Him than things in the world. When you no longer have a taste for some of the sinful things that used to bring you pleasure. When you have a longing to see those who are unsaved come to Him. And, when your daily desire is to be in the presence of your Lord and Savior, then you will know that you have grown in the things of the Lord. You may not have all of these things down just yet, but you may see some settle changes and those changes mean growth. Keep moving, keep progressing, keep striving towards the prize of the High Calling of Jesus Christ. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (25FEB19) God told Moses to have leaders be responsible for dividing up the land once the Children of Israel crossed over to the Promised Land. Moses did as the Lord said and delegated duties to those chosen who would be responsible for carrying out God’s orders. Do you like delegating duties to others, or do you find yourself taking on more tasks than you are capable of? Do you feel as if things do not get done properly unless you are the one to do it? If this is the case, take a moment to ask God how you can properly train and delegate others to do certain tasks. You may find that you can do a better job by having others to assist you where you need help. God is a God of order and even in our personal lives, He desires that we be at our best as representatives of Him. Something to ponder…

NUMBERS MOMENT – (25FEB19) The Lord instructed the Israelites to drive out all the inhabitants in the land that He was to give them, and to destroy all of their idols and worship places. God wanted this done so that the heathens would not influence the Children of Israel to return to idolatry as they had before. God requires that we too get rid of the idols in our lives. Sometimes those idols include people who are bad influences and are there to obstruct our Christian growth. There are many things that can present itself as an idol in our life such as sports, music, movies, jobs, money, sex, and even family. Anything that we put above God becomes an idol in our life. Maybe you have some idols that you need to do away with. If so, why not do so today? Something to ponder…

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Read the Bible in a Year

NUMBERS MOMENT – (23FEB19) God took vows that were made to Him seriously and expected them to be kept. He made a few exceptions for women who were under their father’s care or that of their husband. If a father or husband did not approve of the vow that the woman took, upon finding out about it, God would release her from it.  God was, still is and always will be a God of His word. He expects His children to be people of integrity and honor their word as well. Have you ever made a promise to someone that you did not keep? Where you unable to keep it, or did you just decide to change your mind? It is important that we be people of righteousness as we are representatives of God who always honors His word. We should only break a promise if it conflicts with God’s laws or if we are unable to keep it through no fault of our own. God never changes His mind concerning us and we should honor our word when it comes to others. Something to ponder…

QUESTION OF THE DAY – (23FEB19) God expected daily offerings from His children in the morning and in the evening. He looked forward to their meeting with Him so that He could smell the aroma from their offerings. Does God have the opportunity to meet with you throughout the day? Is He able to smell the aroma of your prayers coming up to Heaven? Or do you leave Him in the deficit of not having heard from you until the next time that you need Him to do something for you? God longs to have His children talk to Him and He always makes Himself available to us. Something to ponder…