It Is Finished Audio

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Secular Church

Romans 12:2 Do not confirm to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)

            The church is a hospital for the sick. Those who have been born in a world of sin (everyone) are welcome. We are the patients and God is the Chief Physician who invites all to come. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (NIV) Inside the hospital, there are people who have diseases of all kinds. However, there is no disease that God cannot cure. There is no ailment that He hasn’t an antidote for. He never runs out of medicine, and His hours of operation are always open. Within this hospital, He has placed Physician Assistants (PA)—(bishops, pastors and elders) to assist the patients with whatever ails them. Unfortunately, many PAs are sick themselves and therefore, transfer their illnesses onto their patients. Even more so, they allow germs to creep into the hospital; therefore, causing the hospital to become even more infected than it already is. What am I talking about? I am speaking of Secularism within the body of Christ.

            Many of us, in an attempt to be like the world, have compromised the standards of God that we once so boldly stood for and have become limp like noodles. In a desire to straddle the fence, we have allowed all kinds of ungodly things creep inside the church. Pastors have become the Donald Trumps of the church. They have become the CEO’s of the boardroom and anyone who stands up for the traditions of God, they say, “You’re Fired.” Yes, pastors wanting to be in the presence of those with influence and money have compromised standing up for what is right in accordance to the word of God. It’s easier for them to compromise than to evangelize. 

            Some of them say anything and everything in the pulpit--in the house of God. From swearing to cursing there is nothing that is sacred with regards to being in God’s house. And yet, when you call these things out, saints are so quick to say that you are judging. Well, we are held up to a standard that is different than the world’s. However, if there is no difference between us, then what is the purpose of truly being a Christian? 1Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (NIV) The world should see that we are set apart. They should be able to tell that there is a major difference between us and them. We should be a light in such a manner that it will draw them to us like a magnet. However, in many ways, the world is drawing the church to it-- the church has compromised itself to blend in instead of setting the trend.

           One of the major ways that this is happening is through the music that is being passed over as “Gospel” because it mentions God.  One example of this is the song “Clean this House” by Isaac Caarre featuring R. Kelly. Now, I am not saying that listening to this song is a sin, so please do not take this as if I am saying that it is. The song is actually nice and has good lyrics. However, when Christian artists collaborate with secular artists to do Christian music rather it is gospel, rap, or some other genre, does it still have the same "anointing" as is would if it were by a truly anointed voice of God? R Kelly just recently made an album titled, “Black Panties” but he is on a song titled, “Clean this House.” I suppose he’s going to clean this house with his black panties….Come on people. Is this really where we are going as a church today? Are we so desperate to be part of the secular realm that we want to have the endorsement of just anyone as long as the dollars rack in?

          Former Destiny's Child musical artist, Michelle Williams, just made a song, “Say Yes” with her former group mates, Beyonce and Kelly. Now, even though it is nice that she wanted her former sisters with her on her album, we all know that Destiny Child was not a group glorifying God; even more so, Beyonce and her alter ego, Sasha Fierce, has pretty much gone over to the dark side. How can this glorify God even though it is on a gospel soundtrack? It is like having the devil direct the choir (and in many cases he is) and calling it worship. It is impossible! Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (NIV) The Bible tells us that we are not able to have 2 masters. Therefore, if you are singing about casual sex, but then singing about God, the two will not mix. Therefore, the 2 should not mix in the church as well. Again, this is not to say that listening to this song is a sin for only God can convict you of what you should do. However, do not be fooled as to what is of God and what is just secular. 1 Corinthians 10:23 "I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything is constructive. (NIV)


          Another thing that has come into the body of Christ is Pastors and Bishops cursing and saying all manner of things in the pulpit. There are many leaders who have no tact or regard for the house of God in the things that they say. They quote ungodly lyrics from songs that would make Jesus leave the building, and they dare to have God and a curse word in the same sentence. The amazing thing about it is that many within the congregation are agreeable to it as long as the sermon sounds good. They don't raise an eyebrow to what was said just as long as it comes from the mouth of the pastor. They are blinded by their willingness to hoop, holler and shout as long as the music is playing, which also in many cases, play on their emotions. No wonder we are considered as sheep--sheep are dumb animals in need of a GOOD shepherd. 
John 10:11-14 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--" (NIV)

          Another thing that is facing the body of Christ is that too many are being willing to accept ungodly practices such as homosexuality. Instead of making a stand against it, many well-known leaders are afraid to confront the issue head-on. When asked what their stance is on the matter, they dance around the topic as if they are walking on burning coals. Leaders within the body of Christ, as well as the church as a whole, may have contributed to the passing of many anti-God laws due to their silence, which will come back to bite the church later. Instead of standing up for what is right, they encourage their members to close their mouths, take a seat, and avoid the appearance of being confrontational. No one wants to make a stand. No one wants to rub others the wrong way. No one wants to be labeled as a troublemaker. No one wants to stand for God--with the exception of a few. If the church isn't careful, as some churches have already done, they will compromise their way to hell for not standing up for what's right. 

          Another thing that is affecting the body of Christ is the prosperity gospel. What is the prosperity gospel? It is the teaching that God wants to prosper you, but it is often mixed with error. Many pastors teach that if you give this much, sign this pledge, or plant a seed to your pastor that God will miraculously increase your financial status. However, God does not bless people based upon the amount of money that they give. He blesses based on the faith behind it. I have heard some pastor use scriptures in the Bible to guilt people into giving when it is actually for them to become a mega church. This is not to say that God doesn't want the church to grow, but too much focus is placed on the money coming in and not on the growth and preparedness of the saints for Christ imminent return. The only time that many teach about Christ return is at a home-going service. It seems that they do not want saints to know about the times that we are living in and therefore, they prefer to do remixes on money rather than the coming persecution of the body of Christ. They have deceived many into thinking that they will be raptured  away and will not have to face persecution. However, if only the saints would open their eyes and study for themselves, they will see that they are being deceived. Persecution is taking place all around them in other countries and it will soon be in the United States of America. Look at all the anti-God laws that have been passed by the Obama administration alone--the time is getting near. 

           There are many issues that are affecting the effectiveness of the body of Christ to witness to others. Many of which is keeping people from being prepared for Christ return. We are not supposed to be like the world. There is supposed to be distinction between us and them. If we are saying everything, doing everything, and modeling everything that they do, where is the room for Christ to make a change in them? However, it seems what we must allow God to make a change in us first before a change can be made in them. We are set apart and rather we like it or not, it is our job to act as such. Jesus is coming after a bride who is without spot or wrinkle. Many of us need to take out the ironing board and get to pressing. We have too many wrinkles where we should already be starched and ready to go. May God bless you to stand out and set the trend rather than follow one. 

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