It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Spiritual Maturity Series pt 1




1.)             What does spiritual growth mean to me?

2.)             How would I describe my spiritual beliefs?

3.)             In what ways am I currently connected to God?

4.)             Who do I turn to for spiritual guidance?

5.)             In what ways am I called to grow spiritually?

6.)             Do I need to let go of anger or resentment related to the church or God?

7.)             Is there anything getting in the way of my spiritual growth?

8.)             What’s my concept of God?

9.)             How do I express my spirituality?

10.)          Am I living in accordance with my values and beliefs?

11.)          Do I have any unresolved anger, resentment, or bitterness issues?

12.)          Am I currently working to overcome them?

13.)          Do I forgive others easily or do I hold grudges?

14.)          What does love mean to you?

15.)          If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

16.)          Do you pray? If so, what impact has it had in your life? If not, why not?

17.)          What challenges do you face in your spiritual life?

18.)          How has your spirituality changed over time? In what ways has it remained the same?

19.)          What distractions may be preventing you from focusing on God and your spiritual growth?

20.)          Would you say that you are living in spiritual alignment with God?


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