A Change is Needed
1 Thessalonians 2J:10 You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed. (NIV)

We are living in the last days. Sin is running rampant across the world at large but in the land of America, whom God made to be a very blessed and prosperous nation, she has increasingly turned away from Him and went after other gods as Israel of old did. The sins of this nation have overflown with such intensity – sins such as greed, abominations created in the name of science, the toppling of governments for central banks, human trafficking, abortion, gay marriage, pornography, gambling and so much more. There is a major censorship of truth taking place across the land in social media, journalism, politics and sad to say in many of today’s pulpits. The sins of this nation are a reflection and failure of the church regardless of the numbers that pour in to fill many of the seats and pews every week. Unless the hearts and minds of people change, the nation will not change. That change begins with planting churches of God who are not afraid to stand for and teach the true unadulterated Word of God and this begins at the very foundation of where the church begins.
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