The Archived Message
There’s a sermon that is hardly preached and many pastors act like they don’t want you to know.
It’s a secret as many call the rapture and if you probably think about it, you’ll agree it’s so.
A topic you can maybe count on one hand if you have even heard it preached even at all.
The only time many hear snippets of it is at a funeral or home-going service, but most can’t even recall.
This subject should be taught regularly, but many pastors stay away from its use.
Too busy trying to get bigger offering plates and in many ways that’s spiritual abuse.
They forget they are supposed to teach the people the details in the Bible of Christ’s return.
Too busy building mega campuses for the prestige and having people sign pledges for more than they actually earn.
Money is the theme topic for some pastors and they use the Bible to say Jesus spoke on this most.
But Jesus was trying to save souls for His later return so He left to prepare them for the Holy Ghost.
Jesus came to save the world from a life of loss that was guaranteed if not for the blood.
He is coming back again to take us on to glory so preachers stop letting His name be dragged through the mud.
If all people see is that you are just wanting to become larger and have a big name,
What happens to their souls when they look at you as a pimp taking from the poor? Oh what a shame!
Yes, Jesus is coming back and we must be ready for whenever He does.
He is till the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the I Am that I Am and not the He was.
Jesus is preparing a place for us so that He can rapture us, but we don’t know when.
He wants us to be ready because Heaven is a wonder place and there will be no more sin.
So pastors please take this message out of the archives and teach it as often as it should be taught.
Stop placing more emphasis on what’s in the envelope because Salvation was already paid and can never be bought.
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