It Is Finished Audio

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Crown of Life

James 1:12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. (NIV)

            There was once a little boy name Calvin who loved to go to school. Every evening prior the next school day, he would make sure to have all of his clothes laid out and books neatly placed in his book bag, so that he would be on time for the school bus. Calvin’s parents never had to get on him about doing his class assignments or finishing homework. Calvin was a very good student and excelled in everything that he did except for one thing. Calvin did not like to take tests.

            Every time there was a test to be given in class, Calvin would come down with a sudden case of the “flu” and beg to stay home for the day. His parents did not understand what was going on with their son, so they decided to have a talk with his teacher. Mrs. Smith, who was Calvin’s 6th grade teacher, was happy to meet with Calvin’s parents to discuss the issue. She had taken notice that Calvin had a trail of absences on days that tests were to be given. Mrs. Smith informed Calvin’s parents that he appeared to have test anxiety. It wasn’t that he didn’t know the information to be tested, but he did not have confidence in himself to pass. Upon learning this information, Calvin’s dad sat down with him, so that he could explain to Calvin why tests were necessary.

            Calvin’s dad told him that in order to be able to know how much he had learned throughout the year, the tests were the only way to measure it. Calvin explained to his dad that he was scared that he would fail. However, Calvin’s dad reassured him that the teacher had given him all that he needed to know in order to pass any test that she would give, but it was up to him to pass the test. Once he passed, he could then go on to the next grade. 

          The Apostle James lets us know that we too will have some tests and trials that will come our way, but if we hold on to the end, we will be given a crown of life as our reward. God does not allow tests to come just to give himself something to do. He allows us to be tested in order to build up our character. God is trying to make us fit for the kingdom and in order to be kingdom worthy, we may have to endure unpleasant things here on earth. Just as Calvin had to take tests in order to pass on to the next grade and as an assessment of what he had learned, we too are measured in Christ. These tests allow us to see the growth from which we came and for our future development in Him. Acts 14:22 strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said. (NIV)

            Whenever tests come your way, take it with great stride because it is through those tests that give us the keys to the kingdom of God. He has promised us a great reward. That reward is grander than anything we could possibly imagine here on earth. What is the reward? It is a crown of life. Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. (NIV) What a great and mighty reward that will be. Do not allow the enemy to steal your crown by making you give up in the midst of your trial. Push on! Fight! Keep going! You can make it!

Enjoy more of these devotions in the New Book by K L Rich...The Book of James: 30 Days of Devotion for Men available on

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