I Hate You Just Because
Matthew 24:12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. (NLT)
Willie Lynch let the inquiring minds know that it was important to have division amongst the slaves. The larger the divide, the greater the fall and the less chances of them unifying to resist their enslavement. He advised the slave owners to pit the young black males against the older black male and the older black males against the younger ones. This taught the young people to disrespect their elders and to disregard their years of experience. The elders would in return dishonor the youth and fail to teach them how to be proud of their heritage and support them in standing for change. Both were at a disadvantage because they didn’t know why they were to hate one another other than the fact that they just did. God was not in this evil plan, of course, because respect is to be given to those of senior and mature years. Leviticus 19:32 “Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.” (NIV) God also requires respect to the young, so that they may receive good counsel and learn to do what is acceptable in the eyes of God. Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (NIV)
We see the same disrespect being shown today to the old as well as the young. Many young people do not have any respect for anything and older people are sometimes the aggressors as well. Young people are being taught by those in Hollywood that it’s okay to wear your pants to your knees, kneel at the singing of the Pledge of Allegiance, encouraged to utter profanity against their dislike of a democratically elected candidate, demand safe spaces at higher institutions of learning, and drag elderly people out of cars to beat them, set their neighborhoods on fire, and feel like they have a sense of entitlement due to their misplaced aggression, anger, and spoiled ideology. The young people are not alone, however. Some older people may be mature in years but show no signs of it due to their lack of being able to give wise advice.
Many in authoritative positions are race-baiting at every opportunity that lands them in front of a camera, punishing children who dare to think for themselves with their vote, promoting civil disobedience when the cause is unjustified, and teaching disrespect for authority, which goes against the Bible. Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (NIV) Politicians are inviting violence in the streets, encouraging people to be harassed because they belong to an opposing political party, disrespecting each other on the Congress floor, and thinking that they are above the law. Yes, the Willie Lynch syndrome is truly in effect today.
Willie Lynch told the slave owners that they were to put the light skin slaves against the dark skin slaves and the females against the males. This evil is still being played out in real time. The media has placed in many people’s minds that White is evil and Black is a victim. Blacks again are calling for “safe spaces” and whites are being told that they are “unjustly privileged.” Movies are coming out to add fuel to the fire regarding racism and certain politicians are putting thoughts into the minds of the gullible that just because a person is white, they have something you don’t, and you should take whatever they have away from them because it belongs to YOU. This is the same mentality that is causing blacks in Africa to kick out white farmers and take their land because they feel as if they are entitled to it regardless of the farmers being able to help them produce needed food. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Many do not realize that they are playing checkers while the global elite and shadow government are playing chess. By the time you figure out the game you are playing --YOU just got CHECKMATED.
The feminist movement taught females that they don’t “need” a man and men began to believe that they weren’t wanted. Blacks in America believed the lie that the Democrats were for them when in fact, they were the ones who started the Klu Klux Klan to prevent them from voting and voted against them in having civil rights. Throw them some free cheese and an Obama phone and they will be voting for you the next 200 years is the mentality of the Democratic Party. Yes, free welfare, free phones, state-sponsored abortions and empty promises until the next election. Foolish needless to say!
Abortion clinics are all around poor neighborhoods when the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a known racist and eugenicist. Whoopi Goldberg says to stay out of her privates (she used the vulgar term of course), well, does anyone think that men are knocking down her door for any favors? Something to ponder…. That doesn’t matter, however, because you have the likes of Hillary Clinton claims to be for the blacks and their cause while her husband , Playboy Bill, will not even take a DNA test to legitimize his alleged black son. These people do not care about blacks…only the black vote. Hillary Clinton, in an act of desperation, stooped low to get foul-mouth Jay-z and his demonic wife, Beyonce, to support her campaign when most of the people in attendance to that concert were probably not even registered or did not register to vote. We may never truly know.
The LGBTQ movement is an extension of that in the manner that you don’t have to be with the opposite sex because they are not needed. It is cooler to be with the same sex and for those who push for heterosexuality are nothing more than homophobes. However, God has a different perspective because He is the One who ordained the order of things. Romans 1:28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not be done. (NIV)
The separation and division of slaves based on course hair or fine hair, tall or short, class or status continued for generations and in many ways…is still going on now. Many blacks have a self-hatred and therefore, they show it by killing each other daily. Numerous females did not grow up with a father in the home and therefore, men have been reduced in their minds to sugar and baby daddies. Many males look at women as nothing more than sexual objects which is often regurgitated in their filthy lyrics referring to women as b******, h***, and sl***. The BET/MTV and reality TV error has demoralized this generation where respect is a thing of the past and violence, sex, and drugs in the new norm. The global elite are using similar techniques to divide the nation of America. White vs. Black, rich vs. poor, male vs. female, gay vs. straight, conservative vs. liberal, educated vs. uneducated, and most importantly, the awakened vs. the comatose.
The rioting and protest that have taken place after the 2016 election has let us know where the heart of the nation is. It doesn’t have a heart for God, but a heart of unlawfulness, greed, and hate perpetuated by those in authority as well as those hidden in the shadows. They hate you and they hate America. Do not let them fool you. They hate you just because.
Join us Monday for PART 5