It Is Finished Audio

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Seven “I AM” Statements in the Gospel of John PART 6

The Seven “I AM” Statements in the Gospel of John PART 6

I AM the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25-26a)
[Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.  Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die (John 11:25-26a)][1]
There are countless remarkable advances to sustain life that have been made throughout the centuries in the medical field. From the first open-heart surgery to the transplantation of various organs, science has in no doubt improved the quality of life for many people. Peter Safar, an Australian surgeon, has been credited for the invention of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and as early as the 1700s, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was being recommended for drowning victims.[2] This life-saving method has saved an innumerable amount of people. The American Heart Association has projected that up to 200,000 lives a year could be saved if CPR was done early enough on needed individuals.[3] CPR has been instrumental in helping to save many lives and yet, there is a point that even CPR nor machines can revive a dead person.
Modern medicine has been unable to put the breath and soul back into the body once it's completely gone. Science has failed at this and have resorted to cryogenically freezing individuals who have voluntarily paid thousands of dollars to have their bodies artificially preserved should there be a cure for certain diseases and even death itself.[4] Nevertheless, there are things that only God can do regardless of man’s medicine and modern technical advances. He is the only One who can give life and resurrect the dead for He is the Breath of Life who breathe into Adam and he became a living soul.[5]

John’s Gospel tells the story of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, who had taken ill and later died. Word had been sent to Jesus of his illness through a messenger in hope that He would come in time to prevent him from dying.[6] Jesus, however, did not rush to get to the bedside of Lazarus because He knew that God would be glorified out of the situation. By the time Jesus reached the city, Lazarus had been dead for four days which meant that his body had already begun to decay.[7] The Jews did not practice the embalming techniques used by the Egyptians nor were there any life-support machines available to sustain life. Yet, time was not of the essence when it came to Jesus for, He knew who had the power over death and would make that known for all to see.
Jesus, upon arriving to Bethany where the family lived, assured Martha that her brother would rise again, for He felt her pain and was sympathetic to her grief. Although agreeable, Martha mistakenly thought that Jesus was referring to the final resurrection and would not have the joy of seeing him anymore in this life. Jesus knew what she was thinking but expounded further for He was speaking in terms of an immediate miracle to demonstrate that He is the Resurrection and the Life for all who believe.[8] The family was quite familiar with Jesus teachings and yet, He asked if she believed. The Bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith, so there had to be a measure of faith for God to be glorified.[9] Martha affirmed her belief but was concerned that Lazarus, having been in the tomb for four days, would have been subjected to odor and decay – making it impossible for Jesus to perform a miracle, but that was not going to hinder Jesus from glorifying his Father. He was about to show those present that He was not only capable of restoring vitality to rotted flesh, but was the refreshing Breath of Life who would overtake the stench of death.

Jesus prayed to his Father and gave thanks in advance for what God was about to do. He told the men to remove the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb. After which, Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth and he did. One can possibly imagine the onlookers’ amazement. Jesus showed that He is the Resurrection and the Life-Giver for what was impossible for man to do was possible for Him. Human bodies break down with age and disease, but Jesus not only can heal the physical body, He came to resurrect the spirit so that one day, man can have an eternal life with Him. To be in Christ is to have eternal life because the Bible says that once a person is out of the earthly vessel, the believer will be with the Lord.[10]
There is no area in a person’s life that Jesus cannot resurrect. There is no situation that is dead where Jesus can not give life to. Jesus came to resurrect those who were spiritually dead and wounded so that they may have the Gift of Life. Sin separated man from God, but Jesus came to restore, resurrect, and help the spiritually dead to regain their relationship with the Father. In seeing that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life, there is the promise of hope, love and joy in knowing that despite what obstacles the devil throws one’s way, death is not the end for all who believe.

A.    Overview of Divine Qualities as the Resurrection and Life.
a,) Oneness with the Father
aa.) Jesus showed His oneness with the Father through the miracles He did on earth as He brought life to those who were dead both spiritually and naturally.
b.)    Incarnate nature
bb.) Jesus left His heavenly home to come to earth as a baby born through a woman to show the world the Gift of Life given by the Father that would be made possible for all eternity.
c.)    Transcendent qualities
cc.) Jesus being the Resurrection and the Life was the only One capable of showing God’s life-giving abilities manifested through His works on earth as He did what was not humanly possible for man apart from the Father.
d.)    Redemptive works
dd.) Jesus died so that man could have eternal life and because of that sacrifice, Jesus got the keys to death and hell for all eternity conquering its power and gaining ultimate victory.

B.     Application of the Believer
a.)    Death brings grief to many upon the lost of a loved one. Nevertheless, there is hope in Jesus being the Resurrection and the Life to all who are saved. Death is not the end for those who are in Him. Just as Lazarus was resurrected, Jesus will bring life to those who have died in Him in the natural and to those who are dead spiritually, so that they may have an eternity with Him free from the curse of death forever. Lazarus’ miracle was a foreshadowing of Jesus own death and resurrection as well as all who believe on the name of the Lord.[11]

[1] John 11:25-26a (New Living Translation).
[2] The American Heart Association, "History of CPR," CPR and ECC, last modified 2018,
[3]CPR & First Aid Emergency Cardiovascular Care, "CPR Facts and Stats," CPR and ECC, last modified 2018,
[4] Zack Guzman, "This Company Will Freeze Your Dead Body for $200,000," NBC News, last modified April 26, 2016,
[5] Brown, "Creation’s Renewal," 282.
[6] John 10 (New International Version).
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Hebrews 11:6 (New International Version).
[10] 2 Cor. 5:8 (New International Version).
[11] Brown, "Creation’s Renewal," 288.

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